The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Game Guide
It's time to take a trip to Toussaint! The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine game guide contains everything that you need to know in order to finish the game. You will find an extensive walkthrough - all the main and side quests, all the alternative endings.
Last update: Thursday, June 2, 2016
The unofficial guide to The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine contains all the information needed to achieve 100 percent completion of this very content-rich expansion. The largest part of the guide are the descriptions of all the main and side quests, as well as all the new witcher contracts and treasure hunts. The quest descriptions contain, among other things, information about the circumstances of their unlocking, all the steps required for their completion, all the decisions that have to be made in their course, as well as their consequences, and the possible prizes we can receive for their completion. The chapter ends with a section dedicated to all the endings available in the expansion.
Much space in the guide is also dedicated to the maps of the duchy of Toussaint, where the action of the expansion takes place. In that part of the guide, you will find a large world map as well as numerous maps of smaller areas, where we have marked cities, villages, and any other places worth exploring.
An entire separate chapter of the guide presents the most important innovations that were introduced in Blood and Wine. The guide will familiarize you with things like the new set of cards - Skellige (along with card locations as well as the people with whom you can play), the debuting mechanics of subjecting Geralt to mutations (the process of unlocking mutations, the principles of their operation, the most interesting mutations), the new pieces of gear of can find, romance options, or the option to manage your own estate (the Corvo Bianco Vineyard).
Furthermore, the guide is complement by several smaller chapters focusing on descriptions of noteworthy boss fights appearing in the expansion and on the alphabetical list of all available quests, which you might find helpful in effective navigation through this guide.
Blood and Wine is the second major story expansion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The action takes place in the duchy of Toussaint, ruled by the duchess Anna Henrietta. The realm features an entirely new map, which you can explore at will and discover its subsequent secrets. The expansion provides over 30 hours of gameplay, and offers the opportunity to complete almost a hundred new quests. In addition, Geralt can acquire new elements of gear, complete a brand new set of cards, this time from Skellige, and face several previously unseen monsters.
Jacek "Stranger" Halas (
About The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Game Guide
Author : Jacek "Stranger" Halas for
Translator : Michal "Czarny Wilk" Grygorcewicz & Slawomir "rattchen" Niejadlik & Jakub "jbugielski" Bugielski
last update : May 31, 2016
Guide contains : 65 pages, 391 images, 8 maps and annotated illustrations.
Use the comments below to submit your updates and corrections to this guide.
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The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Video Game
- genre: RPG
- developer: CD Projekt RED
- publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
- platform: PC, PS4, XONE
- rated: PEGI: Age 18+ / ESRB: Mature
- CD Projekt RED - Developer Website.
- Bandai Namco Entertainment - Publisher Website.
- The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine - Official Website.
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