Hogwarts Legacy: How to defeat Pensieve Guardian boss? Hogwarts Legacy guide
Pensieve Guardian is a large animated statue from the game Hogwarts Legacy. This guide page tells you how to defeat the boss from the main quest First Trial - you will learn how to weaken the Guardian, how to stop the boss's bullet attacks, and how to eliminate smaller sentries.
Last update: Wednesday, February 8, 2023
On this page of the guide to Hogwarts Legacy, we have included a description of the boss fight with Pensieve Guardian - a large living statue from Percival Rackham's Trial main quest. You'll learn how to reach the boss in The First Trial dungeon, how to defeat the smaller statues, how to stop the Pensieve Guardian from creating energy orbs, how to avoid the Guardian's red attacks, and how to defeat the giant statue.
Boss fight arena - Pensieve Guardian

Pensieve Guardian is a large animated statue and one of the bosses in the main storyline. Revived guardians have appeared before in Hogwarts Legacy, but the boss is the first such large and strong opponent from this category.
The fight with the big statue takes place towards the end of the Percival Rackham's Trial main quest. This is the First Trial where you have to go through a vast dungeon on your way to the Map Chamber.
Description of the boss fight

In the final part of the dungeon, you will reach a large arena. You must first defeat a group of smaller animated statues.
The Expelliarmus spell can be very helpful against the statues - you can use it to rip out the weapons they use. What's more, you can grab such a weapon (R1/RB) and throw it towards the guardian to deal more damage.

Remember to dodge red attacks and when the statues go up into the air - move away from the circles on the ground that symbolize the landing spots.
There are items in the area that you can throw. However, don't use the Ancient Magic now, because it will be more useful in the fight against the main boss.

Pensieve Guardian will appear after defeating the first group of statues - focus your next attacks on it.
Ancient magic (L1+R1/LB+RB) can be very helpful in weakening the boss. After hitting the boss it will lose a lot of health points and kneel for a moment, making it an easy target for next attacks. It's a good idea to have two red spells ready to use those that deal more damage.

From time to time, the boss will use a powerful orb attack - try to stop it before it is used, because then you won't be able to avoid it and the orb will deal you a lot of damage.
Use a spell of the same color as the orb, so for example:
- Accio if the boss has created a purple orb;
- Levioso if the boss has created a yellow orb.
If hit with the right spell, the orb will explode and cancel the attack.

During the boss fight, you have to watch out for red attacks again - dodge to the sides right after the red circle appears above the hero's head. The boss can also shoot projectiles and cast Protego block or dodge.
Deplete Pensieve Guardian's health bar to finish the fight.