Cyberpunk 2077: Brick - how to free him? Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Thursday, December 10, 2020
On this page of Cyberpunk 2077 guide, you will find the walkthrough to release Brick. You can do this while completing the main story quest - The Pickup.

The release of imprisoned Brick is one of the optional objectives of the main job The Pickup. The objective to free the man will appear during visiting the All Foods building, whether or not you have led to a meeting with Royce. Brick is kept in the closed room shown in the picture.

Look for Brick's laptop, with which you can interact.

Start browsing messages from the inbox. One of them contains the code for the door - 9691. Return to the door and enter the code on the keyboard next to it.

Brick is trapped by a mine - a laser trap. You have to disarm it to save the man. This can be done in several ways.

The first way is to approach the mine and disarm it. To do it, V has to have at least 7 Tech Ability points.

The second way is to turn the scanner on and try to disarm the mine by hacking - the disarm action uses 2 RAM.

The third way is to go back to the previous area and find the detonator. You can choose the option to disarm the mine.

If you managed to open the room and save Brick, he thanks you for help, and you will be able to meet him later in the game.

You can meet Brick again during the Second Conflict side mission associated with Kerry Eurodyne. This mission is unlocked in the late phase of the campaign.
You will meet Brick at the Totentanz club belonging to the Maelstrom gang. The man will be grateful for saving his life – Nancy will be able to leave the club without fighting the Maelstrom gang.