They Shall Not Pass | Act 3 Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Thursday, September 21, 2017

1. Reaper's Coast - Barin
2. Reaper's Coast - Mari
Close to the place where you've reached the shore, you will see a drawbridge - next to it stands a small boy named Barin.
Talk to him. He will reveal that his mother is on the other side of the bridge. The area was also overrun by the Voidwoken. If you want to help the boy, you will need to take the long way to the other side.
When you reach the destination, you'll encounter four Voidwoken, converged around the only house, next to the bridge - the mother is there. The Voidwoken will initially be more interested with Mari; you have to be quick to distract them. This whole thing may end in two ways.
Possibility 1: Mari survives
If your distraction was successful, Mari will survive the fight. Then, after the fight ends, you have to lower the bridge, so that Barin can see his mother. The quest will be concluded once you talk to Mari.
Award: 3 guaranteed awards and 1 of 4 to be chosen, depending on your class
Possibility 2: Mari dies
If you don't manage to focus the attack on yourself, Mari will perish, and the quest will end.
Award: No credit for messing up jobs.