Hogwarts Legacy: Coastal Cavern - Collection Chests Hogwarts Legacy guide
This page of the Hogwarts Legacy guide will help you find the Collection Chest in the Coastal Cavern region.
Last update: Thursday, April 20, 2023
Our guide will help you find the Collection Chest in the Tomb of Treachery. Check out our Hogwarts Legacy guide to collect all the collectibles in the game.

The Coastal Cavern chest can be found in the Tomb of Treachery . This region will be available after you go through the cave. The entrance to it is from the South Sea Bog side.
Flying on a broom above the cave is unfortunately unavailable. You need to go through the entire tunnel and activate the nearest fast travel point t travel to this area freely.

After entering the cave, keep going straight.

When you see a chest icon on the minimap, turn left. The chest is standing by the wall, next to a small bonfire and broken vases.