Lady 'o War | Act 1 Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Monday, November 13, 2017

1. Lady Vengeance - Malady
2. Lady Vengeance - Alexander
3. Lady Vengeance - Starboard Stateroom Door
4. Lady Vengeance - Port-Side Stateroom Door
5. Lady Vengeance - The Figurehead
After getting onto the ship talk to Malady [1]. You will find out, that the Seekers do not know how to take control over the ship and that Alexander survived the battle. Your goal is to find a solution to this problem.
The first person to go to is Alexander [2]. You will find him on the lowest deck. You will also find Magister Ranley in the same cell, who will attempt to hinder your efforts. If you do not tell him, that you came alone and are unarmed, then you will have to fight him. Alexander himself will be unconscious, but you can search him. You should find the Strange Gem.
Once you have acquired the Strange Gem, head to the Starboard Stateroom Door [3], use the gem and talk to the door. It will ask you about the password. Say that you forgot and ask for a reminder. The door will then ask for a security code. Use persuasion and say that you will provide the security code if the door gives you the password first.
Once you get the password, head for the Port-Side Stateroom Door [4]. Use the gem once again and talk to the door. Give the password once you are asked for it and the door will open. Inside, take the letter from the table and the Dusty Tome from the desk. Read both documents.
Next, you should talk to all your companions and try recruiting them again. You will need them in the coming act.
Head to the upper deck to The Figurehead [5]. Sing a song to him and release the ship from the influence of spells. He will in turn go wherever you want. Approach Malady and tell her everything is ready.
- Note: This is the last place where you can change your team, so before setting ouy, think well whether you want to keep the current line-up.
Unfortunately, your trip will be interrupted by a Dallis attack. Your goal is to keep Malady alive long enough for her to cast a spell (about 4-5 turns). After the spell is successfully cast, the quest will end, and Malady will take you to the Hall Of Echoes.