The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Adrenaline - how to gain it and what is it used for? The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Monday, December 12, 2022
This page of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt has all information about the adrenaline and its use in combat. We explain how to accumulate adrenaline and use it during fights.

Adrenaline is one of more important factors related to combat. It has influence on Geralt's effectiveness when dealing with enemies. Adrenaline points are accumulated by performing attacks, especially when it is done constantly. If you stop fighting for some time, the adrenaline will start dropping. Adrenaline bar is visible on the screen under the stamina bar. It allows you to see how much adrenaline points you have accumulated.
Important! You can increase the speed of gathering adrenaline points by unlocking skills from the Combat category. Each new skill increases adrenaline gathering speed by from one to five percent.
Adrenaline on its own doesn't change anything. But it can cooperate with many skills, modifying them or increasing their effectiveness. Most important relations with adrenaline have:
- Undying skill from the Combat category - Thanks to this skill when you lose all health points you don't die immediately, adrenaline points can be used to keep Geralt alive.
- Rend skill from the Combat category - Adrenaline points can increase the amount of damage dealt even by 100%.
- Deadly Precision skill from the Combat category - Adrenaline points increase the percentage chance of instantly killing the opponent.
- Flood of Anger skill from the Combat category - Having enough adrenaline points allows you to activate the witcher sign on the highest level possible and increase the attack strength.
- Hunter Instincts skill from the Alchemy category - Having the maximum amount of adrenaline points will increase the damage of critical hits. However, it will work only if an oil effective against a specific monster type has been used.
- Rage management skill from the Abilities category - It allows you to activate witcher signs even if you don't have enough stamina. Adrenaline points will be consumed instead of the lacking stamina.
- Focus skill from the Abilities category - One of more interesting skills. Thanks to adrenaline points Geralt can deal more damage and the strength of his signs increase.