The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Devil's Pit Mod - installation The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Monday, November 29, 2021
This fan-made modification for The Witcher 3, implements a completely new location to the game, so it seems pretty obvious that it had to be added to our list of best mods. The Devil's Pit Mod modification expands the Devil's Pit occupied by bandits - by default we will find an inaccessible cave there (you can only enter it by using cheat codes), but this mod unlocks the path into the cave and fills it with new NPCs and items.

The appearance of the cave is rather not impressive, but this is not the most interesting feature of this mod - you can find a lot of new weapons inside the cave. New types of bombs, Raven's armor (you may remember it from the first part of the series), new swords, and even brand new throwing knives. In turn, players who like to take care of the Witcher's beard will find a new portable beard shaving kit. Also, the modification allows you to test your cooking skills - by using the local pot players can prepare a special Geralt's omelet, as well as cook meat or bake a loaf of bread.
That's not all. In the cave, completely new characters await you - including a merchant (he offers the aforementioned items) and a companion prepared to travel with the monster slayer. It is also worth mentioning about the possibility of fighting with yourself - a doppelganger. If you win a duel with Geralt's doppelganger, then you will be rewarded with a new steel sword.
Download the mod from the Nexus Mods site.
Unpack the contents of the downloaded archive to the main folder of the game - The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt.