All In The Family | Reaper's Coast Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Tuesday, October 3, 2017

1. Stonegarden - Tarquin
2. Stonegarden - Johanna Surrey's Tomb
3. Bloodmoon Island - Bloodmoon Island Archive
Tarquin can be met in Stonegarden. Speak with him and he will ask you to retrieve a mysterious artifact.
The item is located in Johanna Surrey's Tomb in Stonegarden. Sadly, the door that lead to it are closed. You need a key that can open them. The key can be found in another tomb which is guarded by a dog. Inside of it you can find petrified people.

The person that is important to you is called Quanna. Break the curse by using Bless spell and then speak with her. Regardless of whether you solved this confrontation peacefully or you killed the woman, you will get the key.
Now, you must go back to the tomb and open the door. You are now inside of a crypt that is full of skeletons. In order to unlock the door, you must find two buttons. They are located on opposite walls on both sides of the chamber. Use them and open the door to a room with sarcophagus and to an adjacent room. Separate one of your team mates from the rest of your team and order that person to stand on a mechanism in the third room. Then, use Spirit Vision in the room with sarcophagus. This reveals three levers that must be pulled in the order presented in the picture.

This moves the sarcophagus and reveals a secret passage to a room. There, you can find another sarcophagus with the artifact inside. Speak with it and hide to your inventory. When you try to leave the room, you will be attacked by guards. However, this fight shouldn't be a problem to you.
Go back to Tarquin and give him the artifact. He orders you to find another that can be found somewhere on Bloodmoon Island.
The artifact is located in the island's archives.

Getting inside of it requires a certain amount of Wits points. If you are not able to find it then you can try to use Peace of Mind ability. Inside of the archives you can find a secret passage that leads to a room with the artifact. Pick it up, speak with the item and put into your inventory. After that you can go back to Tarquin.
Warning: The room also contains a locked chest. Limit your contacts with it because each interaction costs you 1 Source Point. You can open it when you have, at least 4 points in Thievery.
Reward: 42,400 experience points + 3 guaranteed rewards + 1 out of 4 that you can choose from depending on character's class