A Hunter Of Wicked Things | Reaper's Coast Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Friday, October 13, 2017

1. Cloisterwood - Jahan
2. Bloodmoon Island - The Advocate
3. Bloodmonn Island - Ancestor Tree
4. Bloodmonn Island - entrance to Bloodmoon Island Archives
In order to activate this quest, you must go to Jahan [1]. Speak with him. He orders you to deal with a demon that lives on Bloodmoon Island - The Advocate [2].
Bloodmoon Island can be reached via a destroyed bridge. Use Spirit Vision when you are near it and you will find out that its fragments are hidden. Teleportation can help your team to cross the bridge.
There, you are welcomed by three creatures that order you to go to The Advocate. He can be found in demons' camp. If you decide to kill him now, you will block a quest called The Advocate. Because of that it is recommended to kill him after you complete that quest. A good idea is to spread your team during that fight.
Defeat The Advocate and go back to Jahan. Inform him that the demon is dead. He then teaches you how to gather an additional Source Point.
The next step is a conversation with Ancestor Tree [3]. It's only possible if you get to know his name. You can learn it in Bloodmoon Island Archives [4]. They will be in Archivist's Journal. Alternatively, you can talk to the ghost of the Archivist. Once you learn the true name of the Ancestor Tree, go back to it and say the name. You will thus be able to talk to it. This will allow you to learn the name of the deamon that Jahan is looking for.

With that information go to Jahan. He will teach you how to gather an additional Source Point.
Reward: 36,100 experience points + 4 guaranteed rewards + 1 out of 3 that you can choose from depending on character's class