God of War Ragnarok: Well of Urd, Midgard - secrets, collectibles God of War Ragnarok guide
Here we have included all the collectibles from God of War Ragnarok from the Well of Urd region in Midgard - Odin's Raven, Legendary Chest, Nornir Chest, Remnants of Asgard, Hel Tear.
Last update: Thursday, December 1, 2022
The Well of Urd is one of the areas in Midgard in GoW Ragnarok. We give the locations of all the collectibles from the Well of Urd. Our hints will help you find the Remnants of Asgard, Odin's Ravens, Nornir Chests, Hel Tears and Legendary Chests.
All collectibles
You will find the following collectibles and side quests in the Well of Urd area in Midgard:
- 1x Nornir Chest
- 1x Legendary Chest
- 1x Odin's Raven
- 1x Hel Tear
- 1x Remnants of Asgard
Some collectibles will not be available until later in the game or after completing the storyline.
Nornir Chest
- Reward: Idunn Apple
In the Well of Urd area in Midgard, you will find 1 Nornir Chest, on the eastern outskirts of the region.

Light up all 3 rune torches using Chaos Blades.

One torch is on the right side of the chest. Walk up to it and light it up. Reach the second handle on the rocks. When you turn around, you will see another rune. Jump to the third handle, climb the rock and turn left. Walk down the wall to the lower area and light up the torch.

The third rune will be at the very top, by the place you just jumped off. Get as close as possible and light up the torch.
Legendary Chest
- Reward: Rond of Purification - shield attachment
Legendary Chest from the Well of Urd in Midgard is in the central part of the region.

You will see the chest through a crack in a rock while climbing to the top of the mountain.

Before reaching the top, walk along the rock to the left and jump down. Hang down the rock, turn around and break through the weak point marked in blue.
Odin's Ravens
In the Well of Urd area in Midgard, you will find 1 Odin's Raven, in the central part of the region.

After climbing to the top, you will see the bird sitting on a stone on the right. Throw the axe at it to get the collectible.
Hel Tear
There is one Hel Tear in the Well of Urd in Midgard. The collectible is in the central part of this region.

It is related to the favor Hel to Pay. You must defeat waves of enemies until your companion closes the Tear.
Remnants of Asgard
In Midgard, you will find the Remnants of Asgard in the Well of Urd, at the entrance to the region from the Lake of Nine.

The task is part of the Last Remnants of Asgard favor. After completing the main storyline, return to the Well of Urd and defeat all enemies in the camp.