Cyberpunk 2077: Crafting and weapon upgrades Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Thursday, January 7, 2021
Crafting in Cyberpunk 2077 is useful even if you don't want to create epic or legendary items and prefer to find and buy equipment. Thanks to Crafting, you can quickly replenish the stocks of ammunition or healing items. On this guide page, we described all elements of crafting - components, quality (colors) of items, upgrading and creating new weapons, and modifying weapons.
Components and quality of items

In the beginning, it is necessary to describe how the quality categories of items are differentiated. This is shown by different colors:
- White - a common item
- Green - an uncommon item
- Blue - a rare item
- Purple - an epic item
- Orange - a legendary item
Components or crafting materials used to improve and crafting items, are also marked that way. In the equipment, you will find them in the left part of the screen - they are marked with six icons. You can obtain components in Cyberpunk 2077 in the three different ways:
- Disassembling of items - by hovering the item in your inventory, the icons mentioned earlier will highlight, and the number of components you will receive after destroying them will appear in parentheses. The higher the quality of the item, the higher the quality of the components you get. For example, if you destroy an epic weapon, you will receive epic components, but also lower quality components. You can destroy not only your weapons but also junk. What's more, this is the main purpose of the junk (you can also sell it, but it's not worth much). The Scrapper perk will definitely make disassembling of the junk easier - it makes that the lifted junk is automatically destroyed and converted into components.
- Trade - you can buy components from the traders you meet in the game world. They often have legendary components. Unfortunately, the price is high - one legendary component costs 1000 credits.
- Exploring the world - in many locations and on the bodies of defeated enemies (especially robots, turrets, and drones), you will find materials for crafting. It is worth mentioning that you will gain rare components when your character reaches a higher levels of experience.
Creating new objects

You can create completely new items in the Crafting tab. For this, you will need components as well as crafting schemes. Of course, the higher the quality of the item, the higher quality components will be required to create it.
From the beginning of the game, you will be able to create common items, but to craft better ones, you will need schemes. You will get the crafting schemes as the game progresses - in the game world or as a reward for completing quests. In addition, the schemes are sold at traders.

What's more, to produce rare, epic, and legendary items, you will need appropriate perks from the Crafting tree of the Technical Ability. All the perks available there are crafting related, but to be able to produce better items, it is necessary to purchase:
- True Craftsman - for making rare items.
- Grease Monkey - for making epic items.
- Edgerunner Artisan - for making legendary items.
Upgrading objects

Unlike crafting, upgrading items is not limited in any way. For example, you don't have to have a perk to create legendary items to improve your legendary weapons. Only the suitable components are required. Each upgrade increases weapon stats - the weapon deals more damage and the armor provides better protection.
Modification of weapons

In addition to simply raising statistics, you can improve your weapons with additional elements. The sight will make it easier to hit, and the silencer will reduce the chance of being detected by the enemy. You can take off and replace the additional elements at any time, so you don't have to worry that any part will stay with your weapon forever. This is different in the case of modifications - once installed, the mod is permanently assigned the armament. You will get extra elements and mods in the same way as components - during the exploration and from traders.
The weapon modifications are described in more detail on a separate page of the guide - Weapon and armor modifications.