Skillbooks and merchants in Reaper's Coast | Maps and secrets Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Check out all vendors in Reaper's Coast in Divinity: Original Sin 2.
Last update: Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Ovis Ovis - sells AEROTHEURGE, GEOMANCER, PYROKINETIC and POLYMORPH skillbooks, as well as weapons and armors.
Bree Bree - sells NECROMANCER, SUMMONING and HYDROSOPHIST skillbooks, as well as weapons, armors, potions and crafting materials.
Haran Haran - sells HUNTSMAN and WARFARE skillboos, as well as weapons and armors.
Papa Trash Papa Trash - skillbooks vendors SCOUNDREL.
Eithne Eithne - selling SUMMONING, POLYMORPH, NECROMANCER skillbooks. Once Eithne the Trader quest is completed, the NPC disappears.
Tarquin Tarquin - sells NECROMANCER skillbooks, as well as weapons and armors. He appears on the ship once All in the Family quest is done.
Almira Almira - sells AEROTHEURGE, GEOMANCER, PYROKINETIC and HYDROSOPHIST skillbooks, as well as very rare and powerful items. She appears here once Almira's Request quest is completed.
Jahan Jahan - sells NECROMANCER skillbooks, as well as weapons and armors.
Gareth Gareth - sells GEOMANCER and WARFARE skillbooks. Once Burrying the Past quest is completed, the will move to the Lady Vengeance.
Stranded Merchants Stranded Merchants - three merchants offering various goods, such as weapons, armors and crafting materials.
On the second island, the Reaper's Coast, there aren't many vendors with skillbooks. Most of them stays in Driftwood, the one and only city in Reaper's Coast. Below you will find all vendors with skillbooks. Also check out our map of Reaper's Coast with all merchant locations.

- Ovis in Driftwood [1]
- Bree in Driftwood [2]
- Ovis in Driftwood [1]
- Ovis in Driftwood [1]
- Haran in Driftwood [3]
- Haran in Driftwood [3]
- Papa Trash - in tavern in Driftiwood [4]
- Ovis in Driftwood [1]
- Eithne north-west from Driftiwood [5]
- Bree in Driftwood [2]
- Eithne north-east from Driftwood [5]
- Eithne north-east from Driftwood [5]
- Bree in Driftwood [2]