Zelda TotK: Yunobo of Goron City Zelda Tears of the Kingdom guide, tips
Are you trying to open the 5 padlocks in Fire Temple in TotK? Our guide will help you complete the main quest Yunobo of Goron City and win the boss battle, Marbled Gohma.
Last update: Friday, May 26, 2023
On this page of our guide you can find a walkthrough for Yunobo of Goron City main quest from Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. We show how to complete all objectives, including defeating Yunobo and Moragia and opening 5 padlocks in Fire Temple. The final part of the page contains a detailed description for Marbled Gohma boss fight.
- How to unlock the main quest?
- Fighting Yunobo
- Fighting Morgia
- Fire Temple
- Opening 5 padlocks in Fire Temple
- Fighting Marbled Gohma
How to unlock the main quest?
The Yunobo of Goron CIty story quest becomes available after reaching Goron City in Eldin, which is in the northeastern part of the map. One of the four main quest markers for Regional Phenomena will guide you there.
Follow the railway tracks as they lead to the city itself. There are many mining carts around to use.

To acivate the quest, talk to citizens gathered around a large bonfire. Once the quest starts, talk to Bludo. The elderly man will send you to YunoboCo headquarters in Northern Mining Site. Use a mining cart to reach your destination quickly.
Fighting Yunobo
Upon arriving at the YunoboCo headquarters, speak with the two residents standing at the entrance to the cave.
Time to enter the cave - unfortunately, the interior is subject to high temperatures, which means all your carried wooden weapons and shields will get destroyed. Make sure to prepare equipment that can withstand the heat.

Avoid charging attacks of the enemy. Once Yunobo charges into a wall, he will lose conciousness for a while. Use this moment to attack.

After the mask gets shattered, the fight concludes and you'll receive Yunobo's power, Power of Fire. Use the attack to break the red boulder.
Fighting Morgia
Related map marker: Moragia @ Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Interactive Map
Your next destination is Death Mountain. Use the railway tracks again to get there quickly. Along the way, destroy all red boulders with the skill you've received from Yunobo.

Go in the direction of Death Mountain West Site and jump in the mining cart.

Destroy the boulders along the way and watch out for flying monsters.

Once at the top, the fight against Moragia will start. In order to kill the monster, you'll need to get airborne. Fortunately, there is a Zonai flying machine nearby. Place it at the edge and use it.

Your task is to destroy 3 monster heads with Yunobo's skill. Once the battle is won, jump into the hole leading to the Depths.
Fire Temple

After finding yourself underground, go in the direction of the marker unlocking Lightroots along the way which will reveal a map of Depths. As you approach the entrance to Fire Temple, destroy the boulder blocking the way. Investigate the altar at the gate.
Opening 5 padlocks in Fire Temple
To access the boss chamber of Fire Temple, you'll need to open 5 padlocks.

Go to the southern part of the temple and use the hydrant to create platforms on the lava.

Jump into the mining cart and follow the tracks, hitting the railroad switch along the way.

You'll reach the southern chamber on level 1F. Defeat the monster by using Chuchu Jelly arrow or other water-based attacks. When the monsters lands on the floor, you can get up to him and attack with standard weapons.
Use the hydrant to create platforms. Destroy the red boulder blocking the way with Yunobo's attack.

Hit the gong with Yunobo's Attack. This will open the first padlock.

Return to the mining cart and continue along the tracks - when needed, get rid of red boulders. Reach level 2F.

Switch the railcars and travel to the northern part of Fire Temple. Move the railway switch right. Get off at the end of the tracks and go left.

Hit the switch and wait until the tracks go down. Jump into your cart and ride to the next room.

Destroy the boulder blocking the waterfall, then pick up one of the stones that will appear on the magma. With Ultrahand, place the stone on the other side of the room.

Wait for the stone to float to you, jump onto it, and use Recall to get to the other side. Hit the gong, which will unlock the second padlock.

Return to the tracks and jump into the mining cart. Start riding and once you're close enough, hit the switch to raise the tracks. Next stop at level 3F. Near the wall you'll find a few Zonai devices, including rockets.

Place the mining cart on the tracks shown in the screenshots above. Attach a rocket onto the cart and jump inside. Launch the rocket - with extra speed, you'll get past the damaged part of the track on level 4F.

Reach the outer wall of the room and start climbing up. Along the way, you can rest on protruding bricks. On level 5F, jump into the chamber and hit the gong to unlock the third padlock.

Glide to the southern part of Fire Temple. Use Tulin's ability to create a strong wind gust which will make the glide faster. Along the way, you can rest at the lava waterfall and replenish stamina.

Land on the wall and climb to level 4F. Follow the tracks to reach a chamber in northern part of the Temple.

Destroy the red boulder and then move the stone platform so it is aligned with the gong.

Use Yunobo's attack to hit the gong. This will unlock the fourth padlock.

Stand at the edge of the broken bridge and hit the red boulder obstructing the entrance. Glide to the entrance and use the hole in the floor to reach the very bottom of Fire Temple, level 1F.

Hit the final gong to open the fifth padlock. Finally, hit the switch and open the gate.
Fighting Marbled Gohma
Related map marker: Marbled Gohma @ Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Interactive Map
With all padlocks unlocked, you can return to the main chamber.

With the gate open, a 2-phased fight against Marbled Gohma will begin. The first phase is rather simple. Use Charged Attack and aim it at the monster's legs. When the monster is stunned, quickly run up to him and attack its eye.

The second phase is a little harder. The monster from time to time will throw red boulders at you. If struck, you must quickly destroy one of the boulders with Charged Attack and escape to safe distance. Do it fast, as the boulders explode after a while.

The monster will attach to the ceiling. Aim Yunobo's attack at the round wall. Once Marbled Gohma falls to the floor, approach it quickly and attack its eye.
Defeating the monster is rewarded with an extra heart and Vow of Yunobo, Sage of Fire. From now on, you can summon Yunobo.