The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Side quests in Kaer Trolde - list, walkthrough The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Monday, December 20, 2021
This page of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide contains a walkthrough of all side quests related to Kaer Trolde . In the walkthrough, we explain how to solve the curse in Rannvaig village, how to defeat Leshy at the sawmill, where to find the Grossbart brothers, how to help a sick druid from the village, how to get Kuliu's ancestral sword, how to find Cerys, how to help choose the ruler of Undvik, and how to behave in the Cave of Dreams.
- The Nithing
- Abandoned Sawmill
- The Sad Tale of the Grossbart Brothers
- Finders Keepers
- Shock Therapy
- Peace Disturbed
- Worthy of Trust
- The Family Blade
- Stranger in a Strange Land
- The Cave of Dreams
- Gwent: Skellige Style
- The Last Wish
- Possession
- Lord of Undvik
- King's Gambit
The Nithing

In Rannvaig village you will find an message on the notice board (M13,1) that tells about a curse. Go out of town to the house of a man called Lotar.
After the conversation examine the skull on a stick and follow the trails. Not far further you will find a wrap hanging on a tree. Follow the trail and you will reach the village - here you must look for the person responsible.

Ask the Skellige villager who stands at the water and is wearing a blue dress about the wrap you found. She will point you to the local herbalist Jona leaving nearby. Go back to your questgiver after you talk with her.

No you can decide whether you want to help him, thus condemning the herbalist - and making it impossible to trade with her anymore - or refuse to continue the quest (no reward). If you help, you will receive 60 crowns.
Abandoned Sawmill

Go to the pointed direction where you will find an abandoned sawmill (M13,3). Inside, by using the witcher senses, you will find four objects. The most important is the corpse lying in the middle of the searching circle.

Soon a Leshen will show (level 24). The quest will end after you defeat it. Use Dimetrium bomb to make it impossible for him to summon any wolves for backup. Additionally, use large amounts of fire.
The Sad Tale of the Grossbart Brothers

Talk to the man at the crossroad near the village (M13,2). He will give you a proposition to find and take care of his hiding brothers. To reach the place where they are hiding you should use a boat.

The brothers are hiding in the cave, you will find your questgiver there as well. At this point you can resign from the quest - your companion will go to the battle alone and die. If you decide to help him, his health bar will appear. There are three brothers (level 26): archer, axeman and swordsman. After defeating them your questgiver will give you 50 crowns. In one of the chests you will find a diagram for enhanced vampire oil and in another one a diagram for bear gear enhancement (part 1) - armor.
Finders Keepers

In the northeastern corner of the location's map you will find a small island on which a ship has wrecked (M13,6). Pirates (level 24) has arrived there immediately. After eliminating them search through the chest between the rocks to start this quest. Collect the loot from another one as well. Inside you will find an ceremonial sword which you can give back to the owner for 50 crowns. You will find him on the western island - it's the local merchant.
Shock Therapy

In the druid settlement you will find one of them in need (M13,8). He will tell you that his friend has stopped talking and he needs help. The "sick" druid is sitting few meters further.

When he goes to sleep, use Aard on the pots, then on a beehive when he will sit on a rock in its range. Finally, when he will be warming himself at the fire - put it out. The mystery of the loss of voice will be solved. Go back to the questgiver. As a reward you will receive an unique Gwent card - Iorweth character.
Peace Disturbed

Women in front of the cave (M13,13) will ask you to chase away some ghosts from the crypt.
Walk inside and go down the corridor to the last chamber. You will have to eliminate some wraiths on the way (level 24). At the end of the road, in addition to the two wraiths, you will have to take care of a noonwraith (level 25). After eliminating the ghosts, go back to the women. You will receive only experience points for completing the quest.
Worthy of Trust

This quest is actually starting in Kaer Trolde village (M13,11) despite that it doesn't appear in the journal there. In port you will meet a Skelligian who says that he is a merchant. He will ask you to give him a loan of 150 crowns.

You will uncover his lie when you meet him again on your way south, not far from the city (M13,16). You will be able to decide about his fate: you can kill him or give him to jarl. In both cases you will have to fight.
Skelligian is not a warrior, he is on the 12th level and no one will come to his aid. At his body you will find yours 150 crowns and additional 20 for completing the quest. If you spare him, the quest won't be added to the journal and you will receive 20 crowns.

The quest will officially end only after you meet the Skelligian for the third time, at south of the island in Fyresdal village (M14,12). He will be standing near a building, wearing as before - green clothes. When you start talking with him, he will recognize you immediately and give you back your 200 crowns.
The Family Blade

After reading the announcement (M13,14) go South-East from Kaer Trolde to the hill with the obelisk. Four bandits (level 15) have set their camp there. One of them will have a journal. Read it to learn the next location of the search.
On the southern part of the island you can find fort ruins. Inside, you will find another, almost exactly the same group of bandits. And again, near one of the bodies you will find a journal that will point you to next search place.

This is the last group of bandits. One of them will have the sword "Kuliu" that you're looking for. Go back to Kaer Trolde and give it back to the Skelligian named Olaf who can be found on the bridge. For the quest you will receive only 20 crowns.
Stranger in a Strange Land

The quest will start automatically when you end the Witcher Contract linked with Kaer Trolde - The Phantom of Eldberg.
It's actually a transition quest between the previous one and the next one. After completing the contract, you will be attacked in the inn by two thugs. The fist fight will quickly change into a sword massacre. After you leave the building, you will be accused of murder and put to jail.

Walk to the bars in the prison and call the guard. He will free you only if you use the Sign during the conversation. Now you will be taken to the ruler.
No matter the dialogue options you pick, the outcome will be the same: the ruler will order you to find his son in the cave on the South. At this point the quest ends and a new one, called The Cave of Dreams begins.
The Cave of Dreams

After completing the Stranger in a Strange Land side quest get to the South of the island, near the cave.
Enter the ship and talk to Lugos. A guard will stop you, you will enter the deck no matter how you behave during the conversation. After talking to the leader, you will all go to the cave. After reaching the first totem you will have to defeat four nekker warriors (level 14).

After consuming special herbs, go forward to the next mission marker. You will reach a small imitation of a room where ghosts of warriors can be found - you will have to face them (level 14). You don't have to worry about your companions, they cannot die. Fire will be ineffective on the ghosts, but Axii sign will work well.

At the second totem you will face two sirens. They aren't tough opponents. At the third totem you will fight Lugos' father, more specifically his ghost. The spirit is on fire, so each attack should be firm as it burns you. Use Axii and Aard signs.
In the final cave you will have to face Wild Hunt King and his Hounds. Attack the ghost immediately in order to finish the battle in a few hits. You will be transported to the first totem. After talking to your team, the quest ends and you receive 80 crowns. Search the corpse near the totem and you will get additional 20 florens.
Gwent: Skellige Style

On the Skellige Islands it is possible to find more gwent masters. Defeating them guarantees the possibility of obtaining unique cards.
Your first opponent will be Ermion. You will be able to play with him after you complete the main quest Echoes of the Past. You will find him in the druid settlement. His deck is monsters and the card that you receive for winning is Leshen. By winning you will unlock the possibility to play with two other enemies: Gremist and Crach an Craite.
Gremist that can be found nearby has Nilfgaard deck and in case of losing will give you Avallac'h card. After this game you gain access to playing with Madman Lugos.

Lugos, whom at this point you probably met, can be found in Kaer Muire. He will give you Katakan card if you beat him. His deck is monsters.
Another opponent, jarl Crach, who resides in Kaer Trolde, is also playing with monsters deck. For winning you will receive Draug card. He will also give you another opponent - Sjusta.
Sjusta is a barber from under Kaer Trolde. He play with Northern Kingdoms deck, if you beat him you will receive Yaevinn card and, for completing the whole quest, Emhyr var Emreis card.
The Last Wish

specifically guarantees the possibility of telling Yennefer you love her as part of the romance. More information about this and other romances is available in a separate chapter of Romances and Love Scenes in our game guide. {/ramkaczerwona}
Meet with Yennefer to the East of Hindarsfjall island, in the Larvik city (M18,6). It will be possible after completing the last main plot on Skellige. This regards two connected quests - - Missing Person and Nameless.
You will find her in the inn. After a short conversation you will both go to the port - Yennefer will steer, you will sit on the prow.

Three times you will be forced to dive in search for an artifact. The sorceress will put a spell on you so that you will be able to dive without the oxygen limit. Each time you dive, use the witcher senses and examine few objects to determine whether it's the correct ship, and then go back to the boat.
During the third dive, this time in a large crater you will find a chest near a ship part, and inside it the object you're looking for - a seal part. Go back to the boat.

Yen will teleport both of you to the second part of the ship. Go under the deck, there you will find boots and a trail leading under the ledge. Examine and pick it up, near the corpse you will find the second part of the seal. Now go back up. The sorceress will summon the djinn which you must defeat. He has three attacks - with ice cubes, random lightning bolts and aimed lightning bolts. He can also teleport. The key to victory is a strong offensive with the use of Quen sign.
Once you defeat him, a cutscene will start during which Geralt can tell Yennefer that he loves her, then you will both go back to her room in Kaer Trolde.

After completing the first main quest on Skellige: The King is Dead - Long Live the King, jarl Crach will ask you to find Cerys.
Go to the Svorlag village which is to the West and talk with Udalryk who rules these lands. He won't be much of a help, so you must ask the locals. Leave the building and talk to the woman brushing in front of the house. She will point you to Bergthora nearby. From her you will learn that you must talk to Eiric.

You will find him behind the mountain. He will be standing on a rock, surrounded by three drowners (level 17). Once you get rid of them, no matter what dialogue options you pick, the man will tell you to go up, there you will find a house in which the girl you seek should be. During the conversation you can pick the second dialogue option (the man didn't help) and you will be able to use Axii sign to get more information and obtain additional experience.

Go, as Eiric said, to the house up the hill. At the end of the corridor you will find passed out Cerys. After hearing her story, you must go back to the house and look for an ancestral sword which is located in the basement. The hatch will be closed - the key can be found lying in the first room. Now go down and take the Brokvar sword from the drawer. Then go back to the girl and together return to Udalryk's house in the village.

Udalryk will show you the place where you must take the sword. Swim there and dive in the marked location. Search for a skeleton. Watch out for muckixers and drowners (level 15) on the coast and for sirens (level 13) under water. Then go back to the village to check whether your actions have helped.
You will learn about your next opponent. Go with Cerys to the house on the hill and search the rooms. After a while the girl will call you outside. Now you can decide whether you agree on the deception or deal with it in the witcher way by not agreeing on Cerys' idea. Two behavior options are described below.
Option 1 - Deception

You won't have much to do in the deception. But one part will be very important - when, during a cutscene the baby will get in your hands, you must decide quickly and throw it to the oven.
After a short battle with Uldryk's men (you don't have to kill them) and after another cutscene, the quest will end. However, if you haven't thrown the baby to the oven, then you will complete the quest in the witcher way (look below).
Option 2 - Witcher way

Second method consists of two steps. First go to Udalryk's men to obtain torches, then go back to the house on the hill. Place the torches in four stands and, after talking with Udalryk, enter the house and light them. Be on guard because when you finish, a demon will appear. The tactic is similar to when fighting with Leshen - enemy is large and strong, he can teleport in a smoke cloud, he has no special powers. He is also vulnerable to fire. Using the Yrden sign is a good tactic - thanks to that you will deal more damage to the enemy before he manages to teleport, and at the same time you will avoid all attacks with ease.

It might happen that Uldryk will run away down the corridor and will panic - in that case, use Axii sign on him and return with him to the main room to continue the battle. When hym will lose around 3/4 of his health, he will move to the lower level, to the basement. Walk down there and continue the battle until he dies. After a short conversation, you can start other quests.
Lord of Undvik

This side quest, similarly to previous one, starts after finishing the main quest The King is Dead - Long Live The King.
Optionally talk with the men in the inn under Kaer Trolde, then go to the south-western island, to the settlement called Urskar. There you will find a dead soldier and tracks starting near him. They will lead you to a nearby cave. Inside, jump down the ledge to the water and start climbing up the rocks, then through the ladder when you see a big tree. You will fight some rotfiends (level 13) on your way.

After leaving the cave you will see a destroyed house, giant's lair. Ignore the fact that the marker will still point you to search the house and follow the trail that leads from the corridor, through the destroyed rock, to the East.

You will reach a rock up which the monster was climbing. You must find another way. Go North and walk down to the lake, bypass the hut and you will reach empty Dorve village. Here you will find Hjalmar fighting sirens (level 13) - help him deal with the beasts.

Now go to the mountains behind the village with your new companion. You will reach giant's cave. Inside the cave you will find Vigi, imprisoned companion of Hjalmar. If you don't free him, he will die. But to set him free from the cage, you must obtain a key. To do it, go to the drawer with the key left from the sleeping giant and return to the cage. The catch is, you can't walk on the snow - it will wake up the monster. When you free Vigi, you will be immediately attacked by the monster.

Use ogroid oil before the battle. When fighting the giant, watch out especially for his strong stomps, stronger than in case of the elementals. If possible, try to set the enemy on fire, since he is ice type, he is very vulnerable to warmth. Once you take 1/3 of his health, he will take a provisory weapon - an anchor. At this point the safe tactic is to deal few hits and get away - the giant is attacking frontally in a way that makes it easy to avoid the hit. Your companions will be a great help in distracting him.
If you saved Vigi, you must watch out for his health, Hjalmar is immortal. After the battle ends, you can move immediately to the port with Skelligians or tell them that you will join them later. Don't hurry - you will find 350 crowns at the giant's corpse.
King's Gambit

Important - this quest impacts one of the game endings that shows situation on Skellige - to learn more, go to the "Endings" chapter. More information on this topic can be found in the Endings chapter of our walkthrough of the game.
You will unlock the described side quest only after Hjalmar and Cerys return to Kaer Trolde, which means you will have to complete the Lord of Undvik and Possession quests first. Report to jarl Crach. First thing that will happen will be you receiving reward for completing the previous quests - a silver sword.

You won't be able to enjoy it too long - four bears (level 18) appeared at the feast. Eliminate them. After the talks you need to make an important choice: pick Hjalmar's side, Cerys' side or leave the room thus ending the quest immediately.
Option 1 - Support Hjalmar

If you want to follow Hjalmar, you will immediately go to the destroyed village. Your companion will show you an altar - examine it with the witcher senses. Follow the smell to the corpses, tracks will go from them. They end at one of the huts with a bear skin on the floor inside.

Examine this skin - underneath there's an entrance to the underground corridor. Once you see a rock ledge, prepare for combat. You will use the steel sword, first against the enemy in human form, after reducing his health by half he will transform into a bear (level 17).

It's not over yet. Go deeper down the tunnel where you will find a druid. He has an interesting ability that throws you away, but since he is just a human, you should quickly take care of him (using Axii sign is a good idea). Another bear will quickly come to his aid, but in the meantime Hjalmar will drag him away from you. After you defeat him, you will both go back to the castle. The quest will end and you will receive a crossbow as a reward.
Option 1 - Support Cerys

Cerys favors conducting investigation over direct combat. Examine the body of one of the bears in the room, then a large honey jug lying near the dead man at the pillar. The smell coming from it will lead you near the door where you will find the horn.

Now go with Cerys outside, to Hjort. Later follow her to the basement, where she will open the door to the warehouse. Search the barrels for the one with the potion - once you find it, someone will set fire to the room and you will have to run away through another exit.

You must hurry - quickly destroy the barrels blocking passage to the underground with Aard sign. Enter the corridor - you will find a Place of Power there (Quen sign). After leaving the corridor go to the door through which you earlier entered the warehouse - you will find some marks of poured honey there. They will lead you to the stairs where you will find a material fragment.
When you will be returning to the castle, you will notice Arnvald running away - follow him. You can easily catch him and throw down from the horse with a sword cut. He will be the witness of the crime. The quest will end and you will receive a crossbow as a reward.