Hogwarts Legacy: Scrope's Last Hope - Slytherin quest Hogwarts Legacy guide
This Hogwarts Legacy guide page describes the main quest Scrope's Last Hope available to Slytherin House. You will learn where to find the notes, how to meet Scrope, how to reach the grotto and how to unlock the secret diary room in the grotto.
Last update: Monday, February 13, 2023
Scrope's Last Hope is a main quest in Hogwarts Legacy available only to Slytherin. From our walkthrough, you will learn how to start the main quest for Slytherin, where to find Scrope's 3 notes and how to meet him, how to get to the cave and how to unlock the secret area in the cave with the journal (quest item).
- Unlocking the quest - only for Slytherin
- Rewards for completing the quest
- Find Scrope's note in the courtyard
- Search for the next note
- Search the pumpkin patch for another note
- Investigate the Grotto
Unlocking the quest - only for Slytherin

Start by completing the Trials of Merlin main quest where Nora Treadwell asks for help in solving the first puzzle.
Next, you'll get a quest related to the House you chose at the end of the prologue. This quest will unlock if you have chosen Slytherin. Each of the other 3 Houses has its own quest with a unique title and content.
You will learn about the main quest by reading the note from Scrope. You can start the quest only after reaching level 5.
Rewards for completing the quest
- XP;
- Jackdaw's Rest main quest unlocked - this and subsequent main quests are the same for all Houses.
Find Scrope's note in the courtyard

Set the quest as active and return to Hogwarts. You have to explore the South Wing. The Mysterious Note you are looking for is held in the mouth by one of the statues.
Search for the next note

Follow the bridge south. The next note is on a rock ledge - you can't reach it right away.

Use Levioso on the interactive chest nearby. Bring it near the ledge and climb it. Pick up the second Mysterious Note.
Search the pumpkin patch for another note

Reach the hut south of the castle. Use Revelio to identify the pumpkin with the third Mysterious Note. Smash the pumpkin and take the note.
Reach the meeting place with Scropes on the shore - a cut-scene will start.
Investigate the Grotto

The grotto is below Hogwarts - you must head north. Along the way, you can encounter Dugbogs - you can defeat these huge toads faster by grabbing their tongues with the Levioso spell. You can also run past the monsters and not fight them (use dodges).
You have to enter the cave - luckily your character can swim.

In the grotto, examine the interactive pedestal - the hero will place the toast received from Scrope.

A new secret passage will open. Explore the new room. On the desk, you will find Apollonia Black's Journal. A conversation with Richard Jackdaw's ghost will start.
In the same room, you can also find a treasure map, which unlocks the related Ghost of Our Love side quest - we described it on a separate page of our walkthrough.
Return to Scrope to report your findings in the grotto. This will end the quest.