A Web of Desire | Reaper's Coast Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Friday, October 6, 2017
In Undertavern you can meet a woman called Dorotya.

Speak with her and she will ask you about your achievements. She also wants you to prove your worth. You can, e.g. save Mari (see They Shall Not Pass quest). When you manage to impress her she will start to weave a vision. At some point, she will order you to finish it.
Then, she will propose a kiss. If you agree then she will tell you that you should meet in a more secluded place. Detach the member that spoke with her from the team and follow the woman. You both reach the meeting place. It turns out that Dorotya is a spider. If you allow her to kiss your character then you will receive Spider Kiss talent. Its effect depends on a vision that you chose:
- A towering oak: -2 to Constitution and +2 to Strength
- A curved quill: -2 to Constitution and +2 to Intelligence
- A golden chest: -2 to Constitution and +2,000 Gold
- A dragon: -2 to Constitution and +2 to Finesse
- A blue butterfly: -2 to Constitution and Glowing Idol Of Rebirth
After that you can kill Dorotya but this locks the quest for other characters.
Reward: 6,000 experience points