Dredge: Lost Dog Dredge guide, tips
Lost Dog is the quest of a stray dog from the game Dredge. Our guide includes a description of where to find the dog in Stellar Basin, how to tame the animal and take it with you, as well as to whom to give the found dog under your care.
Last update: Thursday, April 6, 2023
Dredge includes a Pursuit quest called Lost Dog, in which you need to find a lost dog. In our guide, you will learn where exactly the dog is in Stellar Basin, how to make friends with the dog and who to ask to take care of the found animal.
- Unlocking the quest
- Making friends with the dog
- Transferring the dog to the hold
- Finding a new home for the dog
Unlocking the quest
Related map marker: Lost Dog @ Dredge Map

You can start the Lost Dog Pursuit only by exploring the world map. Visit Stellar Basin in the southwestern part of the world map.
Start exploring the south island east of Starlight Pontoon. You will spot a dog barking on a beach - you have to swim to it and an interaction icon will appear.
Making friends with the dog

At first, the dog will be afraid of you and will need to be tamed. Choose the following options:
- Disembark;
- Slowly approach;
- Call for the dog;
- Hold out some fish in your hand - you don't need to have any fish in the ship's hold;
- Pat the dog - select this option twice.
- Select the Leave option and the dog should follow you towards the ship. Let him do it - Let it follow you.
Transferring the dog to the hold

You must have 2x2 free slots to take the dog with you. If necessary, get rid of less necessary stuff from the hold. Move the dog from the left slot to the hold screen.
Finding a new home for the dog

Take your dog to the Old Fortress, a fortress island in the northwestern part of Stellar Basin.

Start a conversation with the Researcher and select the dialog option This dog needs a home. Do you want it?
The single woman would love to adopt a dog. Confirm transferring the pet to her care. The reward for completing the mission is the Sapphire Ring treasure, which you can sell in Little Marrow.