Map of Bleake Island | Collectibles - Bleake Island | Batman Arkham Knight Batman: AK Guide
Last update: Monday, October 28, 2019
Key points of Batman: Arkham Knight - Secrets - Bleake Island
Riddler trophies
Breakable objects
Bomb rioters
Riddler trophies
1 – Trophy 1
The trophy is under the bridge leading to the ACE Chemicals factory. You can collect it without using any gadgets.
2 – Trophy 2
The trophy is inside one of the buildings. Find a big entrance to the building and head inside. You can obtain the trophy without using gadgets.
3 – Trophy 3
The trophy is inside one of the building near the water and it's blocked by a weakened wall. The only way to destroy this wall is to use the batmobile. Use the batmobile to get to a road leading to the ACE Chemicals factory. Stop to the west of the collectible and face the weakened wall. Use the batmobile's weapons to destroy the wall and then glide towards that location to get to the trophy.
4 – Trophy 4
The trophy is inside a large cage with an electrified floor. You can't get to it yourself and instead you'll have to use a voice synthesizer on Riddler's robot standing near the cage (don't let the machine see you!). Order the robot to enter the cage, to get to the trophy and to pick it up. Remove yourself from the machine's field of vision and order it to leave the cage with the collectible. You may now attack the robot and take the trophy.
5 – Trophy 5
You must reach an area with two containers. Use a batarang on the left question mark so the containers will be raised. You may enter the building and use the batclaw to get the trophy. A group of robots will appear near the exit. Don't attack them and instead throw a remote controlled batarang. Make the batarang leave the building and turn it around. Hit the right question mark so that the containers will drop and destroy the robots.
6 – Trophy 6
Find a pulsating button and activate the forensics scanner of the batmobile. Start following the green question marks and they will lead you to to a base of the bridge. Remain in the batmobile's battle mode and circle the building to reach the bridge. Continue following the question marks. You'll reach two towers and examine the part of the structure which combines them. Shoot at the green area and use a grappling hook to reach a hole in the wall.
7 – Trophy 7
The trophy is inside a compartment in the building's wall. Stop your batmobile nearby, find an interactive hitch and use the power winch to pull out the container. You may now exit the batmobile and get the collectible.
8 – Trophy 8
The trophy is inside a small cage mounted on a wall. Attack three robots found on the roof. Once they're neutralized use a batarang on a green question mark so that they're repaired. Take part in a new battle and then use the batarang for the second time. Deal with the robots one more time and you'll open the cage.
9 – Trophy 9
The trophy is in a cage on the building's roof. Uncover the [1665, 3171] and go there to find a fuse box. You must activate this box using the batmobile. Begin near the lighthouse and perform two jumps with the batmobile, landing on nearby rooftops as a result of that. Use the power winch on the fuse box. The final part of this puzzle is a race against time during which you must return to the cage with the trophy. Keep launching Batman along the way to maintain high flight speed.
10 – Trophy 10
The trophy is inside a large cage with an electrified floor. You can't get to it yourself and instead you'll have to use a voice synthesizer on Riddler's robot standing near the cage (don't let the machine see you!). Order the robot to enter the cage and to destroy a nearby sentry turret. Hack the other turret yourself using the remote hacking device. Now you must order the robot to pick up the trophy and to bring it outside the cage. Defeat the robot and collect the item.
11 – Trophy 11
The trophy is inside a locked cage. Enter the batmobile and use its power winch on an interactive object. Pull this object and then exit the car. The next step is to use a remote electrical charge on the upper generator. Once the generator is activated the cage will open.
12 – Trophy 12
The trophy is on one of the upper floors of the ruined building and the easiest way to get to it is to use a grappling hook.
13 – Trophy 13
The trophy is under one of the wooden platforms located near water. Position yourself on one of the nearby ledges and once you've located the secret use the batclaw to obtain it.
14 – Trophy 14
The trophy is inside a building. You can gain access to the building by destroying one of the wooden entrances with a batmobile. Park the car inside the building and use a grappling hook to reach the upper balconies.
15 – Trophy 15
Get to the underground area of the Panessa Studios and use a power winch on the fuse box. Get to the next area and connect the batmobile to a generator in order to charge the vehicle. Activate the EMP pulse and catapult Batman. Activate the line launcher while you're still in the air so you'll end up on a rope above the force field. You may now use the batarangs on the green question marks and the batclaw to grab the trophy.
16 – Trophy 16
The trophy is in a small room inside the building and you're separated from it by a weakened wall (use the detective mode to locate it). Glide towards this wall (start on a nearby roof). Batman should destroy it upon coming in contact with it.
17 – Trophy 17
The trophy is on the Panessa Studios roof behind a weakened wall and you must get your batmobile here. Begin near the lighthouse to the south-east of the collectible and perform two jumps to get to the roofs of the nearby buildings. Keep driving on the roofs (be careful not to fall!) until you reach the wall. Use the batmobile's weaponry to destroy it.
18 – Trophy 18
The trophy is in a cage on top of a small glass tower. Enter the batmobile and use a power winch at the base of the tower. You must now start moving the batmobile left or right. Doing this will result in glass elements of the tower to change their positions. Use this method to continue revealing green question marks (there's three of them) and hit each one with a remote controlled batarang.
19 – Trophy 19
The trophy is inside a cage on the wall. Sneak up on a robot found in this location (don't let it see you!) and order the machine to stop on the right pressure plate. Once this is done place Batman on the left pressure plate. You may now face the collectible and use your batclaw to grab it.
20 – Trophy 20
The trophy is an easy to find area under the bridge. You'll find it on a crate next to a deck chair and a tv.
21 – Trophy 21
The trophy is at the base of the lighthouse. Once you've arrived here look for a small wooden stand (you don't have to use any gadgets).
22 – Trophy 22
The trophy is inside a large cage. Once you've arrived here use the batmobile's power winch to pull a metal object. Disperse explosive gel on this object and then push it back inside. You may now detonate the gel. Doing this will stop the flow of steam and allow you to perform a slide in order to get to the inside of the cage.
23 – Trofeum 23
The trophy is in a sphere found in an inaccessible labirynth on the wall. Use the batmobile's power winch here on an object that essentially works like a launcher. Move the batmobile back a little (not to the very end) in order to prepare to launch the sphere. Release the power winch when you're ready. If you've succeeded the sphere will reach the right exit. If you didn't modify the strength of the launcher and try again.
24 – Trophy 24
The trophy is behind the grating. Once you've arrived here use a batarang on a question mark and enter a new room. Activate the batmobile remote and once you're controlling it using its power winch on the left hitch. Return to playing as Batman and proceed to the middle room. Now use the batmobile remote again and then a power winch on the right hitch. You may now collect the trophy while playing as Batman.
25 – Trophy 25
The trophy is in a room inside the tower. You'll find it on a table and you can pick it up without using any gadgets.
26 – Trophy 26
The trophy is inside a locked cage on the roof. Read the coordinates [3496, 2540]. Go to the Miagani Island and find a fuse box. Use the batmobile's power winch to give energy to the fuse box. You must now return to the trophy in less than 45 seconds. Use the boost feature along the way and catapult Batman when you're close to your destination. Glide towards the roof and pick up the trophy before the cage closes again.
27 – Trophy 27
Once you've reached the designated area look for a weakened part of the ceiling. Use your batmobile's cannon to destroy it. You may now exit the vehicle and use the batclaw to grab the trophy.
28 – Trophy 28
The trophy is inside a cage mounted on a wall. Start by using the batmobile's power winch on a generator. Quickly exit the vehicle and start using your batarangs on the question marks. You must hit a dot of each question mark when it's inside a green circle. Perform five successful hits in one attempt to open the cage and grab the trophy using a batclaw.
29 – Trophy 29
The trophy is on a metal balcony on top of the lighthouse and you can pick it up without having to rely on gadgets.
30 – Trophy 30
The trophy is in the tunnels located under the island. Reach a larger area and explore the room in the upper level.
31 – Trophy 31
The trophy is inside the building, but there's a weakened wall nearby. Use it to your advantage - glide towards the wall in order to break it upon contact.
32 – Trophy 32
The trophy is inside the container hanging high above the ground (it's attached to a crane). Fly towards the opened doors of the container.
33 – Trophy 33
Stop the batmobile on a large pressure plate. The objective of this puzzle is to start firing at the lit green question marks before they're deactivated. Once you've managed to complete the entire sequence a cage with the trophy will open. Grab the collectible with your batclaw.
34 – Trophy 34
You must reach a pulsating button. Begin to the south-east and use a ramp found near the lighthouse. Start driving on the rooftops and use a power winch to get to the ledge with the button. Activate the forensics scanner in order to begin following green question marks (you must go back down). They will lead you to a round sign located under the bridge. Use your cannon on it and then grab the trophy with a batclaw.
35 – Trophy 35
The trophy is inside the building. You can get to it simply by finding a small hole in the wall which Batman can use to crawl through.
36 – Trophy 36
Go to the back of the Falcone Shipping building and find a locomotive. Call your batmobile and use its power winch on the locomotive in order to move it. Performing this action will reveal a small ventilation shaft built into the ground. Get inside and collect the trophy.
1 – Riddle 1
Get inside the clock tower to get to the Oracle's hideout. Examine this place to find an interactive panel and use a remote hacking device on it. This will unlock a secret stash with the Batgirl's costume. Scan this costume to solve the riddle.
2 – Riddle 2
Choose one of the lower entrances to the clock tower - it's not about reaching Oracle's hideout but about getting to the lower levels where she had her servers. Reach the top floor of this section and look near one of the balcony exits to find a masquarade ball poster. Scan this poster to solve the riddle.
3 – Riddle 3
This is a very simple riddle. You must scan the spotlight found on the roof of the GCPD (zoom in on this object). It's the same spotlight that's used to initiate Knightfall protocol at the end of the main storyline.
4 – Riddle 4
Don't go to the small island, because you must solve the riddle from afar. Instead land on a roof of the GCPD building. Face the enormous statue of the Lady of Gotham and scan it.
5 – Riddle 5
Stand on the roof of the Falcone Shipping building and face south-east. You must scan the Arkham Asylum seen in the distance (zoom in the view on the asylum).
6 – Riddle 6
Get to the lighthouse and use the main entrance. Scan human skeletons found inside the lighthouse (make sure you're not standing too close to them and don't use the zoom feature).
7 – Riddle 7
You will be allowed to solve this riddle after you've completed the "Creature of the Night" side mission, because you must visit doctor Langstrom's laboratory for the second time. Use the elevator to travel to a new floor and go to the laboratory. Here you must scan a board with a bat drawing.
8 – Riddle 8
Find The Deacon's Mission building and perform a scan of it from a proper distance.
On this page of our guide to Batman: Arkham Knight we have prepared a map of Bleake Island. The map shows all the secrets and collectibles that can be found in this district of Gotham.
The above screenshot presents the map of Bleake Island, i.e. one of the three main areas within Gotham city. You can visit the isle since the beginning of the game. What you can find there, among others, are Panessa Studios and GCPD police arrest, and there are separate maps for both of the locations, which you can find in separate chapters of this guide.