Counting Your Chicken | Reaper's Coast Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Monday, October 2, 2017

1. Reaper's Coast - Big Marge
2. Reaper's Coast - Eggs
3. Reaper's Coast - Magicockerel
A henhouse can be found near the bridge that leads to Driftwood. Speak with Big Marge [1] and you will learn that eggs were stolen. She asks you to find them.
Eggs are found near this place, on one of the beaches. They are guarded by Voidwoken. Kill the enemy if you want to get closer to them. It turns out that they are tainted. Only one egg survived.

Pic kit up and take to Big Marge. She will tell you a location of a buried treasure.
Go back to this henhouse after some time. It turns out that the chickens where killed by Pepper. In addition to that you are also mistaken for his mother. Use Spirit Vision and speak with Big Marge's ghost. She will tell you who is Pepper's father.
Your next step is to visit Pepper's father. Magicockerel lives near Elves camp. Speak with him and decide about Pepper's fate.
Choice 1: Kill Pepper
During the conversation with Magicockerel you must say that he is right and that the best option is to kill Pepper. When you do that Magicockerel will kill Pepper.
Reward: 5000 experience points + 3 guaranteed rewards + 1 from 4 that you can choose from depending on character's class
Choice 2: Spare Pepper
If you decide that Magicockerel can't kill Pepper he then transforms into a Voidwoken and you will have to kill him by yourself
Nagroda: 5000 punktów doswiadczenia
Reward: 5000 experience points