Arx quests, map of all quests in Arx Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Sunday, November 12, 2017
1. The bridge to Arx - on the way to Arx you will encounter a bridge on which paladins will fight voidwoken. The quest Battle at the Gates will start there.
2. Square near Barracks - a large group of people can be found there. If you walk closer, you will discover that an execution takes place there. A woman named Marie will ask for your help. If you agree, The Execution quest will start.
Magister hideout
3. Magisters' shelter - here you can activate two quests:
- On the higher level of the shelter you can find Report of the Toyseller book. It is on the desk near the road to the lower level. Read it and A Craftsman of Dreams and Nightmares quest will start.
- Fight magister Reimond on the lower floor. Once you defeat him, you will find a journal in his body. Read it and A King Reborn quest will start.
4. Rat - in Barracks you will encounter a rat. If you have Pet Pal trait, you can speak with him. You will learn that his mistress is imprisoned. Convince him that you want to help him and the Mercy is Power quest will start.
5. Wedding - here you can activate two quests
- By interacting with the wedding cake you will activate The Secret of the Dwarves quest.
- On the balcony in the building you will encounter Dorian Gall. If you agree to take his murder contract, the Blood Dowry quest will start.
6. Cat The Appraiser - you will meet her in Linder Kemm's mansion. Speak with her and you will discover that Kemm has a shelter where he keeps paintings. This will unlock The Vault of Linder Kemm quest. Additionally, if you have persuasion developed enough, you will also unlock the Old Means Gold quest.
7. Prison - here you will find Paladin Warden. Speak to her and you will learn that prisoners are going missing. This will start the Missing Prisoners quest.
8. Linder Kemm - he can be found in the Barracks. Speaking with him will activate the Last Stands of the Magisters quest.
9. Beryl Griff - she can be found in school in Arx. If you have persuasion developed enough, she will ask you to get rid of Sister Schori from the building. This will start the School's Out quest.
10. Here you will find a chamber with a cage with a boy inside it. Once you enter it, the Past Mistakes quest will start.
11. Consulate - once you reach the Consulate, Consulate quest will start.
12. Charlie - in the Cathedral you can find a dog named Charlie. If you have Pet Pal trait, you can speak with him. If you agree to help him, you will start The Most Urgent Matter quest.