Cyberpunk 2077: Blistering Love (Rogue, Johnny) - walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Wednesday, February 17, 2021
This page of the Cyberpunk 2077 game guide contains a walkthrough of the Blistering Love side job. The quest involves going on a date with Rogue. You will learn the requirements for taking Rogue to a drive-in cinema and under what circumstances you may kiss Rogue.

How to start the quest: You must first take care of a side job Chippin' In, which becomes available late in the campaign. During this quest you have to behave properly in the Oil Field scene: you have to be nice to Johnny and leave some positive writing on his "grave". If you meet this requirement, Silverhand will ask V to arrange a date with Rogue.
Call Rogue. She will agree without any additional requests and will even choose a spot for the date.

First, you must pick up Rogue from the Afterlife club. You need to go there in the evening (if necessary, you can use the skip time option). You can take Rogue with you using Johnny's Porsche (expect a unique reaction) or any other vehicle.
After meeting up with Rogue, choose any answer to when Johnny should "take over". Go to the drive-in cinema in North Oak in Westbrook.

You need to solve a small puzzle in order to open the door to the drive-in cinema. You have to find the combination to the electronic lock at the door. Use the computer in the small room and display the message shown in the image above. You will learn that the 0000 is the access code and you will be able to unlock the entry to the cinema.

Talk to Rogue and go upstairs to the projection booth. Interact with the panel. You must swallow another pill and agree that Johnny will now temporarily take control of V's body.

A romantic scene will play with you and Rogue watching a movie. In this scene you can choose any dialog options along with the possibility to kiss Rogue. A hot kissing scene with Rogue will play, but you will not be able to go through with the "full" romance. This topic is described in more detail in the Romances chapter.
Swallow another pill to regain control of your body. The quest will soon be over. You will receive the Dancing With My Axe trophy for completing Rogue's storyline. Now Rogue may appear in the ending of the game and a new ending option will be unlocked. It is described in more detail in the Endings section.