Cyberpunk 2077: The Ride walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Tuesday, December 15, 2020
On this page of our guide for Cyberpunk 2077 you will find a detailed walkthrough for the mission called The Ride.
V has received new useful cyberware from the ripperdoc, including a brand new scanner and is ready to meet Dex.
Mission awards: Level Up, 1 Attribute Point, 1 Perk Point, Quick Travel unlocked.
Talk to Jackie

Leave the ripperdoc's and enter Misty's store to talk to Jackie. You will find out that Dex is waiting for you in his car, parked at Gramsci Burgers.
Meet with Dex

Exit Misty's store and turn right, and when you reach the main street, turn left. When you get to the marker, get in the car to talk to Dex.

From the conversation you will learn that Dex has a job that requires you to steal a corporate biochip prototype. The owner of the technology is Arasaka and DeShawn's plan is as follows.
- Maelstrom: you have to deal with the Maelstrom boys. When you ask for details, Dex will hand you a splinter. When you plug in the chip, you will find out that a gang from Maelstrom stole a prototype combat robot (Flathead) from Militech. The robot is necessary to steal the biochip that Dex wants. Unfortunately, the job won't be that simple, because Brick, the former gang leader with whom Dex had a deal, has been replaced by another thug, known as Royce. It is not clear whether the agreement with the previous leader is still valid. As if that was not enough, one of Militech's corporate agents is looking for Flathead on her own to find the device before her bosses find out she lost it;
- Meeting with a client: you also need to meet Evelyn Parker, who commissioned Dex to steal a biochip. You will not receive any more information from Dex.

When you get out of the limousine, you'll get a call from Jackie. Tell him how the meeting with Dex went. When Jackie asks you which case you want to deal with first, you can choose one of tge two options.
- Visit Maelstrom First: starts the main mission The Pickup;
- Gonna start with the client: starts the main mission The Information.