Hogwarts Legacy: How does fast travel work? Hogwarts Legacy guide
The open world of the game Hogwarts Legacy can be traversed in various ways: on foot, on a broomstick, on the back of a mount, and using the fast travel option. Check out how to move quickly between points on the map.
Last update: Wednesday, February 15, 2023
On this page of the Hogwarts Legacy game guide, you will learn how the fast travel mechanic works, as well as how to discover new fast travel points that will make it easier to move around the map.
The fast travel system in Hogwarts Legacy is the same as the one wizards use in the Harry Potter books and movies. Foo Flames are used for fast travelling around the world of Hogwarts Legacy.

Before you can use fast travel, you first need to unlock such a point. Simply be near a place with a characteristic fire icon - green flame means that you have activated a fast travel point.

In the world of Hogwarts Legacy, you will find a lot of Floo Flames points, which will make it much easier to travel to places where you need to complete a story quest or solve a puzzle. To move to a specific point, simply open the map, hover over a discovered fast travel point, and use fast travel.