A Generous Offer | Reaper's Coast Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Friday, September 29, 2017

1. Stonegarden - Ryker
2. Blackpit - entrance to the cave
In Stonegarden, you can find a mansion that belongs to Ryker. He asks you to find a certain item, called Tablet. This item is located in Balckpit cave.
If you visited Blackpit before then the gate should be already opened. If not, you must open it. There are two choices. The first option is to fight with the magisters that guard it. When you loot one of the corpses, you can find the key to the gate. The second option is only available if you talked with magister Reimond in Driftwood and you got his written authorization. If you have it, you can show it to the magisters. The entrance to the cave is located near the platforms on which Gwydian hangs (see On The Ropes quest).
The first room of the cave is full of traps. There are a few ways that allow you to avoid them. You can disarm them, use Teleportation skill or use Teleporter Pyramid. A passage that leads to the lower level can be found in the next room. But first, you must defeat a Voidwoken.
When you get lower, you must watch out for a Shrieker that guards the path that can take you further. You can destroy him by using Source Vampirism skill. If you don't have that ability, but you still have Purging Wand that you found in Fort Joy, then you can use this item instead.
You come across a fork. In one of the chambers, you can come across magisters that fight with Voidwoken. You can join the fight. However, if you manage to defeat the Voidwoken but your Persuasion isn't that high then you may have to face the magisters too.
After that you can freely explore this chamber. You can find two Tablets but these aren't the ones that Ryker wants. If you killed the magisters then you can take a key from one of the dead bodies. That key opens a closed room.
In the second room you can find another group of magisters. This time, you must fight them. Here, you can also find a passage that leads to Ancient Temple. In order to open it you must set the barrels with oil on fire, the ones that are next to it.
Upon entering Ancient Temple, you discover that the entire lower level is protected by a force field. The only way to remove it is to activate the statues of Gods in the right order. The solution can be found in the rhyme that is told by the object located in the middle.

However, you can't solve this puzzle unless you know which God represents which element. The answer can be found in the skeleton that lies next to the object. The journal, found inside of the skeleton, contains the right combination. By having both texts you can now solve the puzzle. The right order is: Amadia, Tir-Cendelius, Duna, Zorl Stissa, Xantessa, Vrogir, Rhalic.
The Tablet is inside of a container that is located in the lower level.

Finally, you can go back to Ryker. It turns out that he went to his private chambers. You can enter them by going through a hatch in the ground that can be found in his office.

Ryker can teach you how to gather Source Points. But there is a requirement to that: you must have less than three points. You can also decide if you want to give him the Tablet or keep it. Regardless of your choice, you will be attacked by Ryker. During the fight, you must focus solely on him. All his allies are kept alive thanks to him.
Reward: 4 guaranteed rewards + 1 from 4 that you can choose from depending on character's class