Escape from Fort Joy Ghetto | Act 1 Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Fort Joy Ghetto is a proper internment camp. This is the place, where all the captives should be overwatched by the magisters. The first phase of escaping the island is getting out of this location. Below, you can find all the possible escape routes.
- Stage 1: Escape from the Fort Joy
- Choice1: Reach Holding Cells
- Choice 2: Holding Cells and Fort Joy Prison
- Go through the bridge
- Act 2: Escape from the island
Stage 1: Escape from the Fort Joy
Planning the escape
Before you leave Fort Joy Ghetto it is worth to talk to all the NPCss (with different team members for better effect).

There are three other heroes that you can convince to escape from Fort Joy Ghetto.
1. Lhose
She is located in the courtyard. She is one of two people that you will find there, so you shouldn't miss her.
2. Ifan ben-Mezd
3. Sebille - she's watching lizard Stingtin. Pay attention to dialogue options, not to offend her. In the end she will join your team. She is located within the area located on the map.
4. Fane - in the Hidden Alcove, near the dead body.
5. Red Prince - standing on the cliff, watching the sea.
6. Beast - he's trying to repair wasted boat.
You meet him right next to the Fort Joy Ghetto's main gate. He participates in The Shakedown. You can recruit him after you complete the quest, provided he is still alive.
All the mentioned characters will appear in the presented area, as long as you dont start gameplay with one of them.
Gather your team and plan the escape. The following list will provide you with all the available solutions.
Choice1: Reach Holding Cells
Method 1: Help the elves

This method is strictly associated with side quest The Imprisoned Elf, described on the devoted chapter. One should keep in mind that this is the easiest way in terms of steps that need to be taken and enemies that one will need to defeat.
Once we set the imprisoned elf free, he will tell us about a secret passage in the cellar [1] (Underground Tunnel). To use it, you will need a reptile in your team, or any other hero with a shovel. Reveal the passage and move forward.
There you will encounter minions that leave a burning trace behind them [2]. You can fight them or avoid them. There is also a treasure [3] that you can dig up.
If any of your allies has Pet Pal, he/she can begin a mini-quest [4] associated with these fire creatures. If you come too close to the largest creatures, but you don't have the perk, a battle will begin.
You should end up in a cellar in Fort Joy, or to be more specific, in one of the cells [5] with a broken wall. In the "cell", you will come across a reptile that will panic and start a fight if you don't calm it down. After a short conversation, you can break down wooden door with your weapon, or use a lock pick to open it. Regardless of your choice, you will reach the main part of the dungeons.
Method 2: Teleport to the cellar
This method is strictly connected with quest The Teleporter, which you can read more about in the appropriate chapter. Complete the quest and you will end up right in the cellar.
Method 3: Withermoore's Soul Jar
This method is strictly connected with quest Withermoore's Soul Jar, which you can read more about in the appropriate chapter. Complete the quest and you will reach the cellar.
Choice 2: Holding Cells and Fort Joy Prison
![Once you get to Holding Cells [1] your task will be to reach the upper level of the Fort (Fort Joy Prison) - Escape from Fort Joy Ghetto | Act 1 - Chapter II - Fort Joy - Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide](/originalsinii/gfx/word/518487122.jpg)
Once you get to Holding Cells [1] your task will be to reach the upper level of the Fort (Fort Joy Prison). In order to do that, pick up a key from the floor. In the location indicated above [2], you will find four Magisters, who are torturing Delorus. As soon you will get close enough, they will spot you and begin a fight (regardless of the dialogue options). Try not to kill the lying Magistrate (Delorus). His help can make it easier for you to escape, so keep him alive at all costs.
Win the battle and pick up a key [3], which will unlock the door [4] to Fort Joy Prison. There are two possible ways that you can react towards the wounded Magistrate:
Method 1: Heal Delorus, get the password, and get to the boat

If you were able not to kill Delorus during the battle, talk to him. He will ask you to heal him in exchange for to information on Fort Joy Ghetto. He will admit that together with a couple other Magistrates, he helped prisoners to escape. Unfortunately, he was caught, and if it wasn't for you, he would have died.
Use potions or spells to heal him. Delorus will inform you that on the upper level of Fort Joy there are his comrades and the boat you get outside of Fort Joy Ghetto. He will provide you with a password (Madam Zoor), so you won't have to fight with them.
Follow his guidelines and you will reach a small harbor, located in a cave under the Fort. There you will encounter representatives of the Order [1]. You can skip the conversation to engage in a battle right away, or provide them with the secret password. Reveal it and the Magistrate will become suspicious. If you won't explain how you obtained the password, he will leave you alone with the boy. Han will have a neutral approach and will let you get on the deck [2].
Method 2: Kill Delorus, save the boy, and get to the boat

You can kill Delorusa. If you want to avoid Kniles the Flenster[1] you will have to face two Magistrates[2], located by the boat. Win the fight, talk with the boy, and he will let you enter the boat [3] which will take you to Hollow Marshes.
Method 3: Kill Delorus and face Kniles the Flenster

If you are looking for a challenge, you can kill Delorus. As soon as you reach the upper level [1] move directly to Flentster's Playground [2].
![There you will find a tough enemy [3], supported by three meat golems - Escape from Fort Joy Ghetto | Act 1 - Chapter II - Fort Joy - Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide](/originalsinii/gfx/word/518487184.jpg)
There you will find a tough enemy [3], supported by three meat golems. Focus all the damage on Kniles if you want to stand a chance, but look out for his golems (they can perform up to nine strikes per turn!). Furthermore, they use Rage, so each strike will inflict critical damage.
Win the battle and head for the exit [4], presented on the map. Open the lock to access the sewers that will lead you directly to Hollow Marshes.
Go through the bridge
Method 1: Main gate, prison, bridge
![If you feel confident, you can engage guards at the main gate [1] - Escape from Fort Joy Ghetto | Act 1 - Chapter II - Fort Joy - Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide](/originalsinii/gfx/word/518487200.jpg)
If you feel confident, you can engage guards at the main gate [1]. They have some powerful skills, so don't challenge them if your team didn't reach at least level 3.
Defeat the guards and collect main gate key. There is an entrance to the Fort right behind it [2]. Use it to reach Fort Joy Prison. Here you can begin side quest Withermoore's Soul Jar, challenge more Magistrates or access the upper level of the Fort via stairs [3].
While entering the main chambers of Fort Joy, you won't encounter any opponents directly. From here you can access the courtyard [4] or use the side door [5], which will take you directly to the bridge. It's possible that you will have to lower the bridge. In order to do that, use the wheel [6]. Get to its other side and your journal will be updated, and you will reach Hollow Marshes.
Method 2: Main gate, courtyard, bridge or docks
![By defeating the guards at the main gate [1], you will gain access to other alternative paths - Escape from Fort Joy Ghetto | Act 1 - Chapter II - Fort Joy - Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide](/originalsinii/gfx/word/518487216.jpg)
By defeating the guards at the main gate [1], you will gain access to other alternative paths. You can reach defensive wall [2], where you will face some more Magistrates. An important character will be the paladin, who can be saved by you. The fight shouldn't be too difficult, especially that the Paladin will be their first target. If you want to keep him alive, you will have to get close to him and heal him when needed.
Regardless of what you are going to do about the paladin, you will have to defeat all the enemies that you will encounter in the courtyard [3]. Once the battle is over, search all the containers, fallen bodies and the nearby chambers [4]. If you saved the paladin, you will learn some useful pieces of information that can affect the storyline.
From the courtyard you can go directly to the bridge [5], or head for the docks [6], where you will encounter more enemies. If you want to obtain some valuable items and experience, choose the latter option. You can use the docks to reach Hollow Marshes.
Method 3: Orivands Chamber, bridge

This method is strictly connected with quests The Teleporter and The Murderous Gheist, which you can learn more about in the appropriate chapters. After completing both quests, you should possess an artefact that allows one to teleport and Magistrates' key, which you will acquire only if you kill Migo.
Use the items to reach Fort Joy without having to capture the main gate [2]. All you have to do, is to teleport one of your heroes to the floor [1] and he/she will kick down the ladder that the others can use to climb up. Open the door with the key to reach Orivand's Chamber [3]. You can collect all the items that you come across, especially the paintings.
Collect all the precious items and get back to Fort Joy Ghetto, to choose a different way out or reach The Hall of Penitence [4]. There, you will learn how a Silent Monk is created. You will have to face Magistrates and Orivand himself. The fight may be tough but you shouldn't find it too challenging. Collect all the valuable items (especially the paintings), and get to the next chamber [5], which will take you directly to the bridge [6].
Even you choose a different way to escape, it's always good to come back to Fort Joy to defeat all the opponents, and collect treasures and valuable items. Every piece of equipment will come in handy. You should draw your attention especially to paintings which are very valuable. Additional experience and revealed plots will make the process of understanding the storyline easier.
Act 2: Escape from the island
After you escape from Fort Joy Ghetto, another act begins, where you must escape from the island. The only available option in this case is a boat owned by the magisters. It will not be easy, however, because the boat is guarded by magisters and shriekers.
To get rid of these two types of enemies you will need to acquire the Purging Wand (if you have saved Gareth, a separate quest named Call to Arms will be dedicated to this task). You can find this weapon in two different places.
Choice 1: Radeka's Purging Wand
This weapon is in the possession of a witch named Radeka. She lives in a cave near a frozen beach. Acquiring the wand this way is a difficult task, as the cave in which she lives is rigged with numerous traps and the witch will not be friendly towards you, meaning you will have to fight to claim your prize. After you win, you can take the Purging Wand.
Choice 2: Purging Wand
The weapon in question is also located in a vault, the discovery of which is linked to the execution of The Vault Of Braccus Rex quest. The Purging Wand is located on one of the pedestals.

Once you have acquired the weapon, you can take out the Shriekers and start a confrontation with the magister. This fight is challenging, so be sure to prepare for it. If you have made the right choices in the tasks: Most Dangerous When Cornered and The Purged Dragon, than the fight will be a little easier. You will then be able to pick up two allies from among the Seekers, and the dragon will fulfil his promise and come to aid you.