AC Odyssey Legacy of the first blade: Trophy guide, list of trophies Assassin's Creed Odyssey Guide and Walkthrough
Last update: Wednesday, December 28, 2022
On this page of the Assassin's Creed Odyssey tutorial, you will find descriptions of trophies related to additional game content. Included here are free DLCs such as Forgotten Greek myths and mythical creatures, as well as major feature extensions such as the Legacy of the First Blade. Each achievement has a description of the requirements and our own commentary on how to get them.
- Breaking the Limit
- Divine Intervention
- Lightning Rod
- Lone Lion
- Predator and Prey
- The Daughters of Lalaia
- The Image of Faith
- The Show Must Go On
- The Start of a Legacy
- Volcanic Sunscreen
- Without a Trace
Breaking the Limit
Trophy category: This is one of the trophies associated with the first full-fledged story extension to the game - Legacy of the First Blade. It is available to holders of the season pass and can also be purchased separately.
Type of trophy: bronze
How to unlock: Perform a quadruple Quick Hunt with Pride of the Lion.
Notes: It is not a difficult achievement, although it requires some preparation:
- Complete the tasks of the First Blade Legacy add-on until you are awarded the legendary Pride of the Lion Sword. Equip the main character with it.
- Use your development points to unlock the highest level of Rush Assassination, which allows you to attack up to four enemies in a combo.
- Reach near any camp, fort or other location with a large number of enemies.
- Select four enemies standing close together. Use the Rush Assassination on the first one of them and then "jump" on the remaining enemies in the vicinity.
You will get the trophy after attacking your fourth opponent in the series. In order to achieve each of the 4 enemies must only be attacked. They do not have to die as a result of further silent attacks.
Divine Intervention
Trophy category: This is one of the trophies associated with the series of free DLC The Lost Tales of Greece. They are available to all users of the game after installing the latest version of the game.
Type of trophy: bronze
How to unlock: Complete the task Divine intervention.
Comments: The opportunity to play this optional mission appears at the earliest after the fifth episode in the core game. It is also worth to advance the hero to the highest possible level of experience.
Reach Corinthia and find the additional quest marker in the port - it's black with a yellow exclamation mark. Meet a mysterious woman. The game will not immediately admit the quest associated with the achievement. You must first perform a number of smaller tasks. The actual quest is to pass the last Test of Courage, where you visit a tomb next to a volcano. The trophy will be awarded to you no matter how you behave in the course of the next mission (some of them offer some choices).
Lightning Rod
Trophy category: This is one of the trophies associated with the series of free DLC Mythical Creatures. They are available to all users of the game after installing the latest version of the game.
Type of trophy: bronze
How to unlock: Defeat Steropes the Lightning Bringer.
Comments: The marker informing about the possibility of a duel with Steropes the Lightning Bringer appears on the island of Andros. There is a huge cyclope to defeat and it is best to have a character at 48-50 level of experience.
Steropes uses a large mace to attack. A good strategy is to stay on the horse and use the bow. In addition, fire arrows, for example, can help in this case. If you want to fight in close quarters, watch out for strong mace attacks - then jump back to the sides. Attack the boss after each such attack, as it will stand idle for a short time.
Lone Lion

Trophy category: This is one of the trophies associated with the first full-fledged story extension to the game - Legacy of the First Blade. It is available to holders of the season pass and can also be purchased separately.
Type of trophy: bronze
How to unlock: Kill the Macedonian Lion.
Comments: For the search for a lion you have to set off to the Macedonia region. Take an interest in the southeastern point of travel marked in the picture above - Mount Athos. After moving to this place, you should notice a lion nearby (it will stand on the rock shelves).
Note - the Lion can be at a high level of experience by default. It's worth to develop your character as much as possible first - the new level cap after installing the First Blade Heritage extension is 70.
Predator and Prey
Trophy category: This is one of the trophies associated with the first full-fledged story extension to the game - Legacy of the First Blade. It is available to holders of the season pass and can also be purchased separately.
Type of trophy: silver
How to unlock: Kill all the Ancient ones of the Order of the Hunters.
Notes: The hunt for the Ancients in the Order of the Hunters is very similar to hunting the cultists in the main campaign of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. You will learn about the possibility of locating and killing them after one of your meetings with Darius. The Order consists of seven people:
- Acantha the Deceiver - his trails can be found in the Olynthos Fortress in Macedonia.
- Bubares the Conspirator
- Echion the Watcher
- Konan the Fighter - you will find a trail after killing your opponent Phratagoune the Keeper
- Pactyas the Huntsman
- Phratagoune the Keeper - you will find the trail in the Rock Arch in Macedonia
- Timosa the Physician
You can learn about further members of the Order from the news you find, from Darius, or while completing the story missions of the add-on.
The Daughters of Lalaia
Trophy category: This is one of the trophies associated with the series of free DLC The Lost Tales of Greece. It will be made available to all users of the game along with one of its updates.
Type of trophy: bronze
How to unlock: Unit the task The Daughters of Lalaia.
The Image of Faith
Trophy category: This is one of the trophies associated with the series of free DLC The Lost Tales of Greece. It will be made available to all users of the game along with one of its updates (most likely with the one planned for December 2018).
Type of trophy: bronze
How to unlock: Finish the task The Image of Faith.
The Show Must Go On
Trophy category: This is one of the trophies associated with the series of free DLC The Lost Tales of Greece. They are available to all users of the game after installing the latest version of the game.
Type of trophy: bronze
How to unlock: Finish the task The Show Must Go On.
Comments: The opportunity to play this optional mission appears at the earliest after the fourth episode in the core game. It is also worth to advance the hero to at least level 34 before attempting this one.
Reach Elis and find the additional quest marker - it's black with a yellow exclamation mark. Meet Thespis. The game will not immediately admit the quest associated with the achievement. You must first perform a number of smaller tasks. The actual quest is to take part in a historic battle playing as King Leonidas. The trophy will be awarded to you no matter how you behave in the course of the next mission (some of them offer some choices).
The Start of a Legacy
Trophy category: This is one of the trophies associated with the first full-fledged story extension to the game - Legacy of the First Blade. It is available to holders of the season pass and can also be purchased separately.
Type of trophy: bronze
How to unlock: Learn Darius' true past.
Notes: This achievement is awarded for the completion of all of the storyline missions included in the first episode (Hunted) of the DLC the Legacy of the First Blade. You have to pick up a letter inviting you to the Macedonia region and complete there the main missions of episode 1. The last one is the Protector to Persia.
Volcanic Sunscreen
Trophy category: This is one of the trophies associated with the series of free DLC Mythical Creatures. It will be made available to all users of the game along with one of its updates.
Type of trophy: bronze
How to unlock: defeat Agres the Bright One.
Without a Trace
Trophy category: This is one of the trophies associated with the first full-fledged story extension to the game - Legacy of the First Blade. It is available to holders of the season pass and can also be purchased separately.
Type of trophy: bronze
How to unlock: Kill 10 enemies using the Death Veil ability.
Comments: The Death Veil is one of the skills of the Assassin skill tree. It allows for automatic hiding of enemy bodies attacked by surprise. Once you have purchased this ability, make 10 silent attacks on any opponents you want.