AC Odyssey: Tombs in Petrified Islands Assassin's Creed Odyssey Guide and Walkthrough
Last update: Thursday, December 22, 2022
The following page of our guide contains the information about the tombs located on Petrified Islands. The area consists of islands Lesbos and Chios.
There is only one tomb on Lesbos. It is located in the southern part of the island.
Tomb Of Orpheus

Location of the tomb: Central part of Lesbos.

Walkthrough: After you enter the tomb, you will see a large statue. Climb it to get on the upper floor.

As you proceed, you will encounter a passage blocked by shelves. Move them and proceed to the next room. When you encounter a hole in the floor, fall through it.

Inside, you'll find a chest and a stele.
There is only one tomb on Chios. It is located in the central part of the island.
Stony Sepulchre

Location of the tomb: Central part of the Chios island.

Walkthrough: Having entered the tomb, go along the path until you encounter some shelves. Move them and proceed.

In the next room you will see the stele. But before you're able to enter it, a cobra will attack you. Kill it, and activate the stele to complete the tomb.