Hogwarts Legacy: The Path to Hogwarts Hogwarts Legacy guide
This page of the Hogwarts Legacy walkthrough focuses on the prologue - The Path to Hogwarts. You will learn how to complete the introduction and reach the castle. We explain how to solve the puzzles with statues, how to defeat the sentries and what are the options when choosing a House.
Last update: Tuesday, February 7, 2023
The Path to Hogwarts story mission of Hogwarts Legacy serves as a prologue to the whole story. In our guide, we show the features of the character creator, how to explore the ruins, how to complete the spell-learning minigame, how to complete the statues' puzzles, how to defeat 2 enemy groups, and finally how to proceed during the Sorting Ceremony in Hogwarts.
- Rewards for completing the quest
- Creating a character
- Following Professor Fig
- Explore the ruins
- Following Professor Fig
- Discover the statue's secret
- Fighting 2 enemy groups
- Find Professor Fig
- Sorting Ceremony
Rewards for completing the quest

- access to Hogwarts unlocked - from now on, you can explore the vast castle and do quests, optional activities, and search for collectibles;
- a basic spell - it will serve as your standard ranged attack;
- Lumos spell unlocked - with it, you can light up dark areas;
- Protego and Stupefy spells unlocked - used to protect yourself during combat;
- Revelio spell - used to reveal secrets in the nearest vicinity;
- Dormitory of the selected house unlocked - each of the four houses has its own quarters in different parts of the castle;
- New story quest - Welcome to Hogwarts.
Creating a character

The first major event of the game is creating your character. Get through all tabs of the creator, choose a female or a male dormitory (choice is yours), set the difficulty level (you can adjust it later), and name your character (the game may not accept names or surnames containing profanities or their fragments in case of longer words).
The character creator is discussed in more detail in the Character Development chapter of the guide. On the Can you change your face? page, you will learn about the limited options for modifying your character's appearance (e.g. new hairstyle, scars on the face) after starting the adventure.
Following Professor Fig

Start by healing yourself with Wiggen Potion (d-pad down). Remember this key, as you'll use a lot of them during further battles.
Look around and follow the professor. Along the way, you need to climb several shelves, but the route is linear. You'll reach a wall which can be destroyed. You've now unlocked the Basic Cast - simply press the attack button (R2/RT) to fire magical projectiles. Either use it with aiming (L2/LT) or without it. Destroy the illusion.
Explore the ruins

You've made it to the ruins - from now on, you can look at the minimap (bottom left corner of the screen) - it shows the vicinity, icons, and suggested route (only if you chose a destination).
Examine the statue and the mural (interaction button) and reach another illusion - you'll be taken to a new area in which you need to wake up the goblin. There are no additional interactions during the ride.
Following Professor Fig

You and Professor Fig will reach vault 12. You need to learn the Revelio spell in order to be able to continue - you'll be subjected to a simple spell-learning mini-game. Here are the assumptions:
- move the left analog stick along the line (initially, the cursor will move up, so move the analog stick up as well);
- press the buttons while passing the spots (in this instance of the mini-game, only the X/A button is used, in further instances, there may be more buttons involved).
- reach the end before the red line catches up to you (make sure to follow the line in the right direction.
Revelio is used to find secrets in your vicinity . Use the spell right away (d-pad left) and a new pathway with a symbol will be revealed.
Discover the statue's secret

The professor will light up the way - follow him to the blue magic circle . You'll encounter a mirror image of the sentry - use Revelio to make him appear on your side as well.

Time to learn Lumos - you already have the idea of the mini-game. Lumos has to be selected from available spells - hold down the spell button (R2/RT) and choose Lumos (Triangle/Y).
Later in the game, you'll receive the ability to change the spell button bindings. This will become useful especially after learning more than 4 spells.
Lumos creates a light source and you'l need it for the next puzzle - stand in front of the guard and a line should appear, making the guard stop kneeling.
Fighting 2 enemy groups

The guard will become aggressive, and you receive access to Protego - this spell is used as a block and you have to cast it when a circle appears above the hero's head. Test the spell on the next guards - you need to block 3 of their attacks.
Use Basic Cast (R2/RT) to damage sentries and Protego to avoid damage.
Find Professor Fig

You'll find yourself in a dark area - light the way with Lumos and follow the fireflies - you'll reach another magic circle.
In the new area, you'll have to complete the second puzzle involving guard statues. Cast Lumos and stand in the place shown in the screenshot - to be exact, you must stand in a place where 3 lines converge. Only then you can activate all 3 of the sentries.

Time for the second battle against the sentries . Block when the prompt appears (Triangle/Y) and damage enemies with Basic Cast (R2/RT) We recommend to focus on one enemy at a time (R3 locks the camera on the opponent),
Stupefy is now unlocked . To use it, hold the block button (Triangle/Y) and you'll stun the attacking opponent and weaken his resistances. Test this out at least 3 times.
Defeat the enemies and once safe, cast Lumos again to find the magic circle. Go through the magic gate. After cut-scenes, you'll find yourself in Hogwarts.
Sorting Ceremony

Time to choose one of 4 houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin). The Sorting Hat will ask you a few questions, and based on your answers, will recommend a House. You don't have to choose the recommended House - simply move to the selection window (Circle/B) to have access to all 4 choices (screenshot above). Read more about the houses before making the final choice .
Detailed information about houses, their members, and their dormitories can be found on a dedicated page (Houses).
The quest is concluded once you reach the dormitory of the selected House.