Dead Island 2: Best blueprints Dead Island 2 guide, tips
In Dead Island 2, you can craft weapon upgrades and modifications, as well as consumable items with blueprints. This page of the guide lists the best blueprints - these are recommended upgrades that can significantly improve the effectiveness of weapons.
Last update: Thursday, April 20, 2023
There are 85 different blueprints available in Dead Island 2, used to craft weapons and consumables. Our guide lists the best blueprints that can significantly increase your chances in combat and raise your weapons' stats.
Blueprints - Weapon Mods
These blueprints come in different qualities (with Superior being the best) and are divided into separate blueprints for melee weapons and firearms. You can acquire more blueprints as rewards (leveling up, completing quests) and find them as loot (usually next to workbenches.

Blueprint group: Mutilator
Comment: We consider this to be the best category of weapon mods. They increase physical damage and inflict enemies with weaken. One of their major strengths is that most zombies aren't resistant to physical damage. There are some exceptions, such as armored zombies, which must have their armor broken first.

Blueprint group: Impactor
Comment: These blueprints grant your weapons physical damage and increases their force. On a hit, they inflict stun, making zombies more vulnerable to being launched into the air.

Blueprint group: Punctuator
Comment: These blueprints let you inflict bleed damage and apply bleed to zombies. When hit, the monster may start gradually losing health.

Blueprint group: Electrocutor
Comment: These blueprints let you inflict shock damage and electrocute enemies. This is the best elemental effect in the game. Affected zombies are temporarily immobilized, with the effect transferable between them.
If the game lets you know the monster resists shock damage, stop attacking (the same applies to other elements).
Blueprints - Weapon Perks
Perks are divided into two main groups - blue are standard, while black require zombie parts (limbs, hearts, spines and such) considered to be rare crafting materials.
You can acquire more blueprints as rewards (completing quests or challenges), find them as loot or purchase them from certain merchants.

Blueprint name: Damaging
How to unlock: Reach Level 15.
Comment: This perk increases damage dealt.

Blueprint name: Bloodthirsty
How to unlock: Purchase from a merchant - Francesca in Beverly Hills.
Comment: This perk guarantees more damage and a fury increase whenever you kill a zombie.

Blueprint name: Do or Die
How to unlock: Workbench loot - Hollywood Boulevard clinic hideout.
Comment: This perk grants you a stamina bonus when on low health. It can help you stay alive.

Blueprint name: Hazardous
How to unlock: Workbench loot - western room in the subway tunnels.
Comment: This perk can cause an explosion if you attack a zombie inflicted with a negative status ailment (burn, shock, etc.).

Blueprint name: Slaughter
How to unlock: Workbench loot - Sound Stage 3 at Monarch Studios.
Comment: This perk increases limb damage (you can sever limps more easily) and increases weapon durability, making it last longer between repairs.

Blueprint name: Empowering
How to unlock: Workbench loot - control room of the hydroelectric power plant in Beverly Hills.
Comment: This perk increases damage of critical hits and heavy attacks. It works well with heavy, slow weapons such as sledgehammers and two-handed axes.

Blueprint name: Leech
How to unlock: Complete a blueprint challenge (defeating zombies with melee weapons).
Comment: This perk gives you a chance to heal after hitting a zombie. It could work really well on light weapons that strike often.

Blueprint name: Shockwave
How to unlock: Complete a blueprint challenge (knock zombies down).
Comment: This perk causes an explosion each time you knock down a zombie.

Blueprint name: Static Charge
How to unlock: Complete a blueprint challenge (electrocute zombies).
Comment: This perk creates more electrical discharges from electrocuted zombies. It can also cause an explosion that will shock all nearby monsters. You must be using a weapon dealing shock damage.

Blueprint name: High-Caliber
How to unlock: Purchase from a merchant - Rodriguez at Venice Beach.
Comment: This perk increases a gun's damage and force but lowers its accuracy and mag size. It works well on shotguns and slow-firing rifles.

Blueprint name: Precision Shots
How to unlock: Complete the Diaries of the Dead side quest.
Comment: This perk guarantees a damage increase if you hit several shots in a row. It works well on firearms with a high fire rate.
Blueprints - Consumables

There are only two categories of blueprints in this tab. The first are ammo blueprints. All the most important ones can be purchased from merchants.
We only recommend crafting ammo if you've reached a resource cap and if you're in dire need of it. Ammo can be purchased cheaply from merchants and there's plenty of it in the game world (from the moment you gain access to firearms in Beverly Hills).

You can also use the med kit blueprint, which you'll get for free early in the game. Med kits appear as loot often and are relatively cheap. Only craft them if you happen to run out while being far away from your nearest hideout.