The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Side quests, Vegelbud Residence - list, walkthrough The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
This page of the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt contain walkthroughs for all side quests that take place or involve Vegelbud's Residence. The solution below shows, among others, how to act in poets' encampment, how to deal with a female werewolf from the village, how to determine who is stealing Yanina's hens, and how to win a horse race that takes place near the Residence.
- Novigrad Hospitality
- Little Red
- Empty Coop
- A Barnful of Trouble
- Race: The Great Erasmus Vegelbud Memorial Race
Novigrad Hospitality

You will find some camping poets near the road. If you accept their invitation to drink, you will wake up with no equipment. Follow the tracks to the village where behind the building with blue stripes you will find both thieves. You can force them to give back only your items or make them give you their own items as well. No matter the decision the quest will end.
Little Red

Some peasants on the road before the village will ask you to protect them from bandits. Wait till the twilight in the village. A group of bandits leaded by a werewolf girl will want you to give them one of the citizens. If you agree, you won't have to fight and the villagers won't say a thing - you will receive 20 crowns. If you decide to fight, you will be able to collect some werewolf alchemy ingredients and you will receive a payment from the villagers - 10 crowns.
Empty Coop

Grandma Yanina leaving near the road will tell you that someone is stealing her hens. Examine the wolf's tracks near the wall and follow the trail. You will see a group of kids. After talking with them you can return to the old woman and tell her about the thieves. You will receive 20 crowns of payment. You can also convince her to take the kids - you won't receive anything.
A Barnful of Trouble

You will see some peasants quarreling near the stable. You will learn that some monsters are inside. You will be sent inside on your own request - there you will find four ghouls (level 11). Eliminate them and you will obtain 20 crowns.
Race: The Great Erasmus Vegelbud Memorial Race

Horse races take place near the Vegelbud Residence (M7,10). You can participate in them by paying 100 crowns. There are three enemies to defeat, with each on a slightly modified track. For first and second win you receive 60 crowns and a saddle, for the last race a better saddle and 180 crowns.

However, this is not the end of the quest. After the race one of Cleaver's men will talk to you and give you a letter. Read it immediately and go the place mentioned. In a special race you will be able to win 780 crowns and horse blinders. This race takes place at Farcorners. After completing it guards will attack you, but you can simply run away from them.