God of War Ragnarok: The Word of Fate - walkthrough God of War Ragnarok guide
During The Word of Fate main quest in God of War Ragnarok, you will visit the Well of Urd in Midgard. Our walkthrough explains how to follow the trail of wolves, where the Well of Urd is on the Coast of Nine, and how to meet the Norns.
Last update: Tuesday, November 15, 2022
During the course of The Word of Fate story quest of God of War Ragnarok, the heroes return to The Shores of Nine in Midgard. Our guide shows where following the wolves will lead Kratos, how to discover the secret entrance to the Well of Urd, and how to reach Norns' house.
- Travel to Midgard
- Follow the Wolves to the Norns
- Continue Tracking the Norns
- Return to the wolves and continue tracking the Norns
- Find the Norns at the Well of Urd
- Return to Sindri's when ready
Travel to Midgard

You start the mission in Sindri's House - when you try to exit it, you'll receive the repaired Guardian Shield (you remember it got damaged during the battle against Thor) Equipping it is not mandatory - you can stay with your current shield.
Get to Mystic Gateway, and choose the fast travel point in Upper Wildwoods. Reach the wolves' kennels and open the gate. You can now use a sleigh to travel faster.
Follow the Wolves to the Norns

The road will take you to Lake of Nine, which is completely frozen over. You have to follow the wolves, and moreover, you can hear their howls once you're on the right path. The first destination is the King's Grave. We have marked this area in the picture - it is in the northeastern part of the Shores of Nine.
You don't have to rush with the main quest and can optionally explore the Shores of Nine in search of side activities. Nevertheless, not all locations are available to explore, and some battles may be difficult if your Kratos is underdeveloped.

Reach the grave on foot. Fights await you here:
- You can stun the ogre and jump on its back. This will allow you to use his hands to attack other opponents.
- Some enemies have blue health bars, i.e. have increased resistance to ice attacks. Attack them with the Blades of Chaos.
After the battles are over, you should find Inert Hilt of Skofnung. Follow Freya and after she halts, press Square to remove the illusion (screenshot above). There is nothing here.
Continue Tracking the Norns

Return to the sled. Again, follow the trail and make sure you're going the right way. You'll reach Derelict Outpost, which is in the southwestern part of Shores of Nine (screenshot).
Investigate another illusion (Square) - again you will find nothing.
Return to the wolves and continue tracking the Norns

You'll be attacked by a group of opponents including a Frost Gradungr when trying to return to the sleigh. This monster is resistant to ice, so use Blades of Chaos instead.
Once again, you need to follow the clues left by the wolves - the new destination is the path near the Lake of Nine Mystic Gateway in the northwestern part of the Shores of Nine. You'll reach the Well of Urd.

Continue on foot and climb where needed. To unlock the way forward, destroy the wooden barricade with the Leviathan Axe.
Defeat encountered enemies and continue with the climbing. Eventually, you'll reach the area shown in the screenshot - press Square to investigate the Illusion. This time you'll find a way forward.
Find the Norns at the Well of Urd

In the initial stage of this trek, you need to set the blackberry bush on fire - ask Freya to create a seal and set it on fire using Blades of Chaos (screenshot). Continue with the climbing.
On your way, you will encounter a Traveller - fight with this mini-boss is described in more detail on the Traveller page in the Bosses chapter.

Proceed and defeat the enemies who emerge from the rifts. Along the way, you will also encounter various standard opponents.
Take extra care when facing Hel Revenants and monsters that can place a negative frost status which can slow down Kratos. Dodges are key to avoiding this attack.
In the location with totems (screenshot) you'll encounter a Frost Phantom. This fight is described in detail on the Frost Phantom page in the Bosses chapter.

Once the Phantom has been dealt with, lift a large boulder to unlock the path forward. Descend through the vertical wall. The heroes will reach a gate - interact with it.
Kratos will experience "hallucinations". You need to watch cut-scenes and then fight. Reach the tree where Mimir is. Take part in further battles - fortunately, you don't have to defeat Sigrun the Valkyrie. Follow Atreus and eliminate incoming enemies.

After returning to the "real world" enter Well of Urd with Freya. Hop on the mount ridden by Freya. You will reach a location where Norns are staying. Go to the mission marker to start a cut-scene depicting the meet.
Again, hop on the mount, and you will return to the main part of Midgard. Follow the linear path back to the Lake of Nine. You will have to climb a bit.
Return to Sindri's when ready

Descend using the rope. Jump down to the lower shelves and return to the sled with the wolves. You need to reach nearest Mystic Gateway - use the sled or proceed on foot.
Once back at Sindri's House, talk to the dwarves. Watch the cut-scene and use the Mystic Gateway to return to Svartalfheim. You'll reach a new region - Myrkr Tunnels, and a new story task (Forging Destiny) will begin.