Hogwarts Legacy: Harlow's Last Stand Hogwarts Legacy guide
This page of the guide to Legacy of Hogwarts contains a walkthrough of the relationship quest with Natty. We explain how to defeat all the enemies in the quest Harlow's Last Bastion.
Last update: Thursday, April 20, 2023
The final relationship mission featuring Natty will see you face Ashbringers and Rockwood's right-hand man - Theophilus Harlow. Our guide to Hogwarts Legacy offers tips on how to defeat Ashwinders during Harlow's Last Stand quest. Read on if you want to learn how to finish Nasai Onai questline and obtain The Avenging Gazelle trophy.
Unlocking the relationship quest

This mission becomes available after completing the previous quest featuring Natty - A Basis for Blackmail. After a few conversations with Natty in the castle, the girl will send you a message during the course of The Final Repository story quest. You need to meet up with Natty in front of Manor Cape.
Rewards for completing the quest
- 180 XP
- Final conversation with Natty (takes place after completing the main storyline) that unlocks the The Avenging Gazelle trophy.
Defeat the Ashwinders at the manor

First wave of opponents are 5 enemies on levels 27-30. Focus on the Ashwinder that summons Inferi first.
The next wave of enemies will consist of 6 Ashwinders. Juggle spells to remove their shields or use throwables on them. Another useful tool here is Mandrake, which stuns all enemies in the vicinity for a while when used.

After yet another enemy wave, Harlow will appear. If you've learned Avada Kedavra, use it on him to quickly dispose of the enemy.