The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Map of important locations M9 The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Key points of Witcher 3 M9 - Croockback Bog - Atlas
1,2,3... - Main locations on the map
Points of interest on the map
Road signs
Strong enemies
Important NPC characters on the map
1,2,3... - Main locations on the map
1 – Lindenvile Village
Small village with two traders and blacksmith. You can obtain here two quests and witcher's contracts from notice board.
2 – Assault
In this small village you'll be assuaulted by seven bandits (level 4-6). For killing them you'll obtain 10 experience points.
3 – Hidden treasure
Three bandits (lvl 7 and 9). are guarding a treasure. And it's a letter holded by leader of the group.
4 – Hidden treasure
Key to the treasure and note of it's location are guarded by ghuls (lvl 9) and one bandit. It's underground - entrance into cellar is on the south-west side. Quest "Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire".
5 – Hidden treasure
Treasure is on the south part of the island. You need to find the key to open it. Follow the tracks, key is by dead body.
6 – Cave
Entrance into cave, where you can begin konster hunter contract "Phantom of the Trade Route". You can also find an upgraded boots schematic in the cave. It's from the Witcher's Cat school gear.
7 – Benek Village
In this village you can obtain contract for Royal Wyvern from Refugee ("Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route") and the Old Sage - gwent master and employer (quest: "The Truth is in the Stars").
8 – Downwarren Village
Ini this village you won't find much interesting things - just one wicher's hunting quest "Contract: Swamp Thing" and a trader.
9 – Entrance into cave
In this cave you'll find a ghost, which is asking you to free it (quest: "The Whispering Hillock").
10 – Tower ruins
In the chest you'll find diagram for an upgraded steel sword from the Witcher's Bear school gear.
11 – Bandits
Group of five bandits (lvl 3) assault you, when you're crossing the road.
12 – Entrance into cave
Witcher's grave. It's good to take point here, because inside you'll find few glyphs, some alchemical ingredients and most important - few parts of "Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear".
13 – Cave
There's an upgraded schematic for a steel sword in this cave. It's a part of the Witcher's Cat school gear.
14 – Diagrams
You will find upgraded armor schematics here. They're from the Witcher's Cat school gear.
15 – Cave
There's a cave here and you can explore it while completing "The Swamp Thing" quest. Make sure to check the cave thoroughly, because you can uncover a schematic for an upgraded silver sword from the Witcher's Bear school gear.
Important NPC characters on the map
Dolores – Quest giver "The Fall of the House of Reardon".
Gravedigger – Your contact in witcher's contract "Contract: The Merry Widow".
Leslav – Your contact in witcher's contract "Contract: Swamp Thing".
Old Sage – "The Truth is in the Stars" - quest giver and gwent playing master.
Refugee – "Contract: The Phantom of the Trade Route" - from Refugee you will get a quest to find his friedns and kill Royal Wyvern.
On this page of the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide, you can find a map of Crookback Bog where, apart from meeting numerous monsters, you can also complete important quests. On the map of the world atlas we have marked, among others important areas from Crookback Bog, as well as all the signposts found in and around the swamps.
- Crookback Bog: Location description
- Crookback Bog: Most important places
- Crookback Bog: Most important NCs
- Crookback Bog: Enemy types
- Crookback Bog: Important information
Crookback Bog: Location description
The map above shows the Crookback Bog. It's a large location with many treasures and strong monsters - including some rare ones. Few quests and witcher contracts will make your visit here more entertaining - especially if you're a player with low level, because most of the tasks are not very hard. Here you will also find a main (yet optional) quest "Ladies of the Wood", so you will definitely visit this location at some point.
Crookback Bog: Most important places
1. Lindenvale
A small village with two merchants and a blacksmith. Here you will start two quests and take some contracts from the notice board. Your main base for raids to the surrounding territories.
7. Benek
In this village you will obtain a contract for a wyvern (Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route) and an Old Sage - Gwent master and questgiver of the "The Truth is in the Stars" task. Except for that, there is no need even to walk between buildings in search for something of value.
8. Donwarren
You won't find many interesting things in the village - a single witcher contract "Contract: Swamp Thing" and a merchant. Later in the game you will meet the ealdorman here as well - he will be your contact in main quest "Ladies of the Wood".
12. Cave entrance
Grave of a witcher. You should visit it as inside you will find many runes, alchemy ingredients and - most importantly - some parts of the "Griffin School Gear". Parts from the diagrams are very good and you will be able to additionally upgrade them with the old set when you gain new level and obtain upgrade diagrams.
Crookback Bog: Most important NCs
Old Sage (M9,7) - Questgiver of the side quest "The Truth is in the Stars" and one of the Gwent masters in Velen.
Crookback Bog: Enemy types
Guard Dogs
Water Hag
Grave Hag
Ignis Fatuus - an unique monster from the "Swamp Thing" contract. It's a stronger type of Folget.
Crookback Bog: Important information
Because of the related main quest "Family Matter", you should visit Crookback Bog immediately after the Crow's Perch. Except for the "Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route", all quests available in the Bog can be done at any level. You will find many side quests, three witcher contracts and three treasure hunting quests here.
If you have high character level, you can try fighting some rare monsters - by doing so, you will obtain valuable alchemy ingredients that will allow you to make special potions.
First you should visit Places of Power. There are two in this location - remember that each will give you additional skill point to distribute.
Second most important thing to do is finding the cave related to treasure hunt: "Griffin School Gear". This diagrams of special witcher equipment will be surely enough to met your beginning expectations for this location.