Hogwarts Legacy: Charles Rookwood's Trial Hogwarts Legacy guide
On this page of the guide to Hogwarts Legacy we describe the main quest Charles Rookwood's Trial. From the walkthrough you will learn how to start the Second Trial, how to pass all the puzzles of Rookwood's Trial, how to defeat the boss Pensieve Guardian and how to reach Rookwood's memories.
Last update: Wednesday, February 15, 2023
This page of the Hogwarts Legacy guide contains a detailed walkthrough for the Charles Rookwood's Trial main quest. You will learn how to start The Second Trial, how to solve all the environmental puzzles in the dungeon, how to eliminate the revived statues, how to defeat the Pensieve Guardian and how to reach the chamber with Charles Rookwood's memories.
- Rewards for completing the quest
- Meet Fig at Rookwood Castle
- Enter Rookwood Castle
- Find Charles Rookwood's portrait
- Connect with ancient magic
- Complete Charles Rookwood's trial
- Continue exploring Charles Rookwood's trial
Rewards for completing the quest
- XP;
- winter scenery unlocked - it does not affect the exploration of the world or the ways of completing quests;
- Fire and Vice main quest unlocked.
Meet Fig at Rookwood Castle

Rookwood Castle is in the Feldcroft region. Reach a small hill and stand in a circle to wait for Professor Fig to appear.
Enter Rookwood Castle

The castle is guarded by goblins - Ranrok's loyalists. You can fight directly, or sneak around with Disillusionment spell and take them out with surprise attacks.
After reaching the castle walls, use Wingardium Leviosa to move the chest to the hole in the wall. This will allow you to climb up and get to the castle grounds (you can't fly on a broom here).

There are more goblins and Dark Wizards in the castle courtyard. Remember to react to block/dodge circles, as well as destroy enemy shields with appropriate spells. Assassins are especially dangerous - attack them first.
After the fights, take the path leading to the castle walls. Turn right and reach the entrance to the castle.

Jump down to the lowest level. You will reach a closed gate. There are 3 switches in the area that you need to hit with the basic spell - you can easily locate them with Revelio (they will be marked in blue). One of the switches is behind the barricade - you have to destroy it first. The entrance to the Rookwood Cellar will be unlocked.
Find Charles Rookwood's portrait

Full exploration of the basement is not mandatory, but you can find more loot. Goblin tracks will lead you to the red source of magic. Turn right and you'll reach a room with Rookwood's portrait on the wall. You can talk to him only after Professor Fig gets here.
Connect with ancient magic

Say that you want to begin the trial. A circle of ancient magic will appear in the room - interacting with it will unlock the gate to The Second Trial. You will be moved to a new dungeon.
Complete Charles Rookwood's trial
The walkthrough below is for the mandatory puzzles and fights on the way to the final chamber of the dungeon. You can also do some optional exploration and, for example, come across chests with random loot.

Reach the larger room and take the stairs on the right. They lead to a small balcony with the first circle of ancient magic.

Return downstairs. There is an interactive chest here - carry the chest with Wingardium Leviosa and place it in the spot shown in the picture, i.e. under the inaccessible balcony.

Go through the blue magic gate. The object that was previously a pillar is now a square box. Use Levioso to pick up the chest and move it on top of the previous one (picture above). Make sure it is stable.

Go through the red magic gate. Use the Wingardium Leviosa to extend the lower chest. You can climb it and then the upper pillar to reach the upper balcony and leave this location.

Run over the moving stairs and the moving bridge. You will reach the room with the second circle of ancient magic.

There is an interactive switch on the right side - hit it with a basic spell - it will turn the magical gate 180 degrees.

Go through the blue gate. Use Wingardium Leviosa to pull a crate towards you (it's not a tower in this dimension).

You can go back through the gate and hit the switch again. By moving the box in the current dimension, the tower was moved and this unlocked the exit from the room.

In the next location, the arena will be unlocked and you must defeat the animated statues:
- Be careful not to fall off the arena - this will kill you. Fight while staying away from its edge.
- Cast the Expelliarmus spell to disarm the statues and throw their weapons.
- Remember to dodge the incoming attacks.

Use the new exit and reach the third circle of ancient magic.
Stay in that place and hit the switch behind the blue gate (picture above).

The gate will turn to the right 90 degrees. Go through the blue gate and turn around. Hit the switch again (picture).

The gate will return to its original position. You can go straight ahead and exit this location (it wasn't available in the second dimension).

In the new location, the fourth circle of ancient magic is located on the right side - interact with it.

Two larger guards will get activated downstairs. The difficulty of this fight is that each of the animated statues is in a different dimension. Focus on attacking the monster from your dimension and avoid the guard from the other dimension (you will recognize it by its levitating weapon and attack warnings). You can of course change the dimensions by going through the magic gate.

After the battle, make sure you've gone through the blue gate, i.e. you're in the dimension where you can see the upper bridge.
Return to the starting area and hit the side switch with the basic spell. This will cause the bridge to rotate 180 degrees.

Use Levioso on the chest (it has no top in this dimension). This will allow you to climb on it and then on the bridge.

While standing on the bridge, don't go through the magic gate, just hit the right switch again. The bridge will rotate 180 degrees for the second time and you will gain access to the exit from the room (you have to jump to it).

Run up the next moving stairs. New animated statues will activate in the new hall. You have to defeat them and the exit will unlock after dealing with the enemies (opposite the starting point).
Reach the stairs - there's a chest with Wiggenweld Potions and a passage to the place where you will have the main fight of this quest.

The final battle of this stage is very similar to Percival Rackham's Trial. First you have to deal with a group of lesser guards. Watch out for their red attacks and ground slams, and remember that you can disarm statues (Expelliarmus spell) and throw objects from the environment at them.

In the second part of the battle, you will face a boss - Pensieve Guardian. A general strategy for this boss can be found in the Bosses chapter.
The Guardian can use a new type of attack - hit with a ball on a magic chain. Wait for the yellow circle to appear above the hero's head and hold down the block button.
Continue exploring Charles Rookwood's trial

Walk over the newly unlocked bridge. In the last chamber of the dungeon, collect the loot and watch Charles Rookwood's Memories. You will obtain a Pensieve Artifact.
You can now use the gate to leave the trial. In the Map Chamber, talk to Rookwood and the character in the new portrait - it's Niamh Fitzgerald. Talking to Fig will end the quest. Winter will come to Hogwarts.