Cyberpunk 2077: How to use and install Silencer for weapons? Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Wednesday, November 2, 2022
On this page of the Cyberpunk 2077 guide, we answer how to get a gun silencer, as well as what requirements must be met to install one. This is crucial if you want to play in a stealthy way.

In Cyberpunk 2077, you can use muzzles equipped with a silencer. These muzzles are offered by traders (just visit an arms dealer) and in the game world (most conveniently found as loot at dead opponents).

The silencers can only be installed on weapons with an empty slot for muzzle mod (an example shown the picture). Not all guns will have this mod slot open. It depends on a particular weapon, but it also has advantages, as you can also find rifles with silencer slots. This allows for silent, high-rate fire.

Each muzzle with a silencer is described by at least two parameters. You can find different muzzles around the world - the rarer the muzzle, the more features it has and the more it changes the stats.
The most popular features of muzzles equipped with a silencer are:
- Stealth attacks do more damage. In the case of common muzzles, the damage is doubled, though finding a rarer muzzle can increase this bonus even further. Regardless of the type of muzzle used, always try to aim at the head of an opponent when performing stealth attacks (and on other occasions as well).
- Mind you that ma muzzle with a silencer reduces the amount of standard damage inflicted by weapons. In the case of the most popular muzzles, it is as much as -30%, but better models have smaller penalties. Nevertheless, you may have a problem killing an enemy with a single shot. It is best to switch to a stronger weapon without a silencer, in such case. We do not recommend using silencers on all your equipped weapons! One such gun (for up to three equipped) is quite enough.
- Attacks with silenced weapons can have an increased chance of critical hits. This can help you a lot if you add critical damage bonus to your surprise attack in addition to the "fixed" damage bonus.