The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Trophies - list The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Tuesday, November 30, 2021
This page has the trophy guide to The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. We have listed all the achievements/trophies from the basic game. Read their descriptions and our short comments to learn how to unlock them. With our trophy guide, you won't have problems with getting the platinum trophy in The Witcher 3.
- The Witcher 3 trophies - key information
- Getting the platinum by playing the game once - is it possible?
- The Limits of the Possible
- Lilac and Gooseberries
- A Friend in Need
- Necromancer
- Family Counselor
- Something More
- Xenonaut
- The King is Dead
- Passed the Trial
- Ran the Gauntlet
- Walked the Path
- Geralt: The Professional
- Kingmaker
- Assassin of Kings
- Friends with Benefits
- Full Crew
- Dendrologist
- The Enemy of My Enemy
- Humpty Dumpty
- Environmentally Unfriendly
- Kaer Morhen Trained
- Can't Touch This
- This is the Evilest Thing...
- Mutant
- Butcher of Blaviken
- Triple Threat
- Brawler
- Overkill
- Master Marksman
- What Was That?
- Even Odds
- Globetrotter
- Pest Control
- Card Collector
- Gwent Master
- Let's Cook
- Bombardier
- Bookworm
- Armed and Dangerous
- Power Overhelming
- Brawl Master
- Fast and Furious
- Munchkin
- Fire in the Hole
- Fist of the South Star
- Geralt and Friends
- All In
- Shrieker
- Fearless Vampire Slayer
- Woodland Spirit
- Fiend or foe?
- Ashes to Ashes
- The Doppler Effect
The Witcher 3 trophies - key information
- Achievements and trophies are available on most of the platforms. You can get them on PC, PS4, PS5 (these two have the platinum trophy), Xbox One, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X. The Nintendo Switch version of The Witcher 3.
- The basic game has 53 trophies. If you play on PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5 (in the backward compatibility mode), then one of them will be platinum.
- You can also get a few extra trophies - Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine expansions both have 13 trophies. In total, there are 79 trophies. Remember that the DLC trophies aren't required for the platinum. The required ones are independent from the DLCs, even if you have the Game of the Year edition.
- The Platinum trophy requires you to finish the game on Death March which is the highest difficulty. Initially, it may seem difficult. However, after spending enough time with the game and learning the mechanics, you will be able to use certain tricks to keep Geralt alive for a longer period.
- It can take you up to 100 hours to get all of the trophies. This is because the game forces you to do many optional activities, e.g. Witcher contracts, extra storylines, exploration, and card collecting.
- Some trophies are, unfortunately, easy to miss. This can happen if, for example, you didn't get some unique card or behaved in the wrong way in some quest. For more information, please refer to the next section of our trophy guide and to the descriptions of the trophies themselves.
- A lot of trophies are about defeating opponents in certain ways, for example, using a crossbow or certain Witcher signs, or combining different types of attacks. It is worth remembering them from the very beginning of the game. Look for opportunities to unlock them.
- The Witcher 3 contains trophies for secrets and collectibles. They are mainly related to collecting Gwent cards, but they also, e.g. require you to find fast travel points or find and read books and documents.
Getting the platinum by playing the game once - is it possible?
Yes, it is possible, but difficult to do. The main reasons are:
- The game has dozens of trophies that you can easily miss. If you do not have save files, you may not be able to replay a quest or sequence. Moreover, in some cases, the consequences of your decisions will appear much later. This means that recent actions cannot be easily corrected.
- Some trophies are much harder to unlock on the Death March difficulty level. Primarily the various trophies related to combat, but you may also have problems, e.g. with collecting Gwent cards, because some of them are obtained by completing quests.
Here are some important tips and tricks on how to better prepare to unlock the platinum trophy in The Witcher 3:
- Note that only the main storyline has to be completed on the Death March difficulty level. This means that after you are done with it and get the Walked the Path trophy, you can lower the difficulty in the options and do all other achievements.
- It is a good idea to create a manual save at the beginning of each larger chapter. For example, the first save should be created before leaving the White Orchard and just after reaching Velen for the first time. Manual saves have two uses. First, you can protect yourself from "bad decisions" in quests and failing to get certain trophies. Secondly, after you finish the game, you can return to places where, after lowering the difficulty level, it will be easier for you to get achievements related to combat. In both cases, you can save a lot of time.
- Card Collector, the trophy in which you have to collect Gwent cards, is the easiest to miss. This is because some of the unique cards can be missed if you don't behave appropriately in the related quests. Since the cards are collected virtually throughout the entire game, this could theoretically force you to start the campaign all over again. Unfortunately, your card collection isn't transferred to the New Game Plus.
- Another problematic trophy is the Full Crew awarded for recruiting all allies for the final battle. This achievement collects your progress throughout a large part of the game - if you make a mistake, you may be forced to go back to a very old save.
We always inform you about the trophies you may miss at the top of the description. This will help you a lot in unlocking them.
The Limits of the Possible
Trophy type: platinum
How to unlock:Collect all trophies.
Comment: Platinum trophy is available only on PS4 or PS5 (in the backward compatibility mode). The trophies from the Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine DLCs aren't required for the platinum.
Lilac and Gooseberries
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Find Yennefer of Vengerberg.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the main storyline, and you can not miss it. You must complete the Lilac and Gooseberries main quest - its walkthrough is in the Prologue and the White Orchard chapter. This is one of the first quests, so you will unlock this achievement right at the very beginning of the game.
A Friend in Need
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Find and free Dandelion.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the main storyline, and you can not miss it. Finding Dandelion is part of the main quests in Novigrad. For more information, see the walkthrough for the Broken Flowers quest and other major quests in Novigrad.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Help Yennefer extract information from Skjall's body.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the main storyline, and you can not miss it. You can complete the requirements soon after you arrive at the Skellige islands. You need to complete The King is Dead - Long Live The King and the following from the Kaer Trolde chapter in our walkthrough. During them, you have to cooperate with Yennefer.
Family Counselor
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Find the baron's wife and daughter.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the main storyline, and you can not miss it. The achievement relates to the storyline of the Bloody Baron - check out, e.g. the main quest Family Matters from Crow's Perch chapter.
Something More
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Find Ciri.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the main storyline, and you can not miss it. You will get the trophy when Geralt meets Ciri (not counting the prologue), not when you unlock the first playable scene as Ciri. This happens during The Isle of Mists main quest from the Kaer Morhen chapter in our walkthrough.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Visit Tir ná Lia and convince Ge'els to betray Eredin.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the main storyline, and you can not miss it. The requirements for this achievement will be fulfilled automatically by completing Final Preparations. Check out its description in the Epilogue chapter.
The King is Dead

Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Defeat Eredin.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the main storyline, and you can not miss it. The fight with Eredin is part of On Thin Ice main quest, which we describe in detail in the Epilogue chapter. Be sure to read the tips and information about the boss fight, especially if you are playing at one of the higher difficulty levels.
Passed the Trial
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Finish the game on any difficulty.
Comment: You will get the trophy after completing the entire epilogue - the ending you got doesn't matter.
Ran the Gauntlet
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Finish the game on the "Blood and Broken Bones!" or "Death March!" difficulty levels.
Comment: We strongly recommend choosing the Death March right away, which is the equivalent of the highest difficulty level. This way, you will get all the achievements associated with completing the game without having to start a new adventure.
Walked the Path
Trophy type: gold
How to unlock: Finish the game on the "Death March!" difficulty level.
Comment: We have described this achievement in detail on a separate page of the trophy guide.
Geralt: The Professional
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete all witcher contracts.
Comment: As a reminder, witcher contracts are a category of more extensive side quests. The course of action of most of them are similar - Geralt must track down the monster terrorizing the area and have a (challenging) fight. Witcher contracts were described in the next chapters of our walkthrough. They are described on separate pages - they are always about tracking monsters in a given part of the world.
There are a total of 26 contracts, so it can take you quite a long time to get this trophy. Try to do the most demanding jobs after you have completed the main storyline. This way, you will be able to lower the difficulty level to have easier time defeating monsters from the final contracts.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete the subplot about choosing Skellige's ruler.
Note - This trophy can be missed. This will happen if you do not complete it before starting The Isle of Mists main quest.
Comment: You can get this achievement soon after arriving on Skellige. Specifically, after completing the first main quest of this region - The King is Dead - Long Live The King. You need to take care of a few side quests on Kaer Trolde related to the king's election. These quests are:
- Possession
- Lord of Undvik
- King's Gambit
- Coronation
For detailed information on these quests, check out our walkthrough. The required quests are also listed on the Ruler of Skellige page.
Assassin of Kings
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Take part in the assassination of King Radovid.
Note - This trophy can be missed. This will happen if you do not complete it before starting The Isle of Mists main quest or if you behave in the wrong way during the assassination subplot.
Comment: You must first take care of the specific side quests in Novigrad related to Triss and Dijkstra. These quests are:
- Redania's Most Wanted
- An Eye for An Eye
- A Matter of Life and Death - be sure to do this quest before you meet the King
- Now or Never
- A Deadly Plot

After advancing to the final game - Final Preparations - you will get a quest Blindingly Obvious. It is important to choose the first dialog option when meeting Philippa.
If you acted correctly, you will unlock the last of the quests associated with this trophy - Reason of State. Completing it will unlock the achievement.
For detailed information on these quests, check out our walkthrough.
Friends with Benefits
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete the subplot involving Keira Metz.
Note - This trophy can be missed. This will happen if you don't act in the right way during your last encounter with Keira, or if you ignore her subplot before proceeding to the finale.
Comment: Keira Metz is a friendly witch from Velen. All her quests can be found on Keira Metz page in the Quest lists chapter. These quests are:
- Hunting a Witch
- Wandering in the Dark
- Magic Lamp
- An Invitation from Keira Metz
- A Towerful of Mice
- A Favor for a Friend
- For the Advancement of Learning - This quest contains an important choice. Persuade Keira to go to Kaer Morhen - you will need this to unlock the Full Crew trophy.
Full Crew
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Bring all possible allies to Kaer Morhen for the battle against the Hunt.
Note - This trophy can be missed. You have to be very careful when recruiting characters - you don't want to choose the wrong options. You must also recruit all the people on the list before you advance to the story's finale.
Comment: Information about the recruitable people can be found on the Complementing the crew in Kaer Morhen page in the Epilogue chapter.
Here are the people you need to be particularly careful when recruiting:
- Ermion - After advancing to act 2, meet this person on Skellige and ask her for help.
- Hjalmar - You must the Ruler of Skellige subplot. When you are in act 2, meet with the chosen ruler to ask for help.
- Keira Metz - In Keira's last quest - For the Advancement of Learning - you must invite her to Kaer Morhen. Don't attack her and don't let her go.
- Triss Merigold - You have to complete her subplot in Novigrad 100% and send her to Kaer Morhen.
- Vernon Roche and Ves - You must complete An Eye for An Eye side quest. In addition, after advancing to act 2, meet with Roch and ask him for help. Vernon will take Ves with him.
- Zoltan Chivay - You must complete An Eye for An Eye side quest. After advancing to act 2, meet with Zoltan and ask him for help.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Acquire all the Abilities in one tree.
Comment: You can unlock this trophy fast by getting the abilities from the yellow skill tree (the fourth tab in the character window) - this tree has the least skills.
For more information, see the Skill points page. If you missed this achievement early in the game and have trouble unlocking the missing abilities, then you can use the tips from the How to reset skills? page.
The Enemy of My Enemy
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Use the Axii Sign to force one opponent to kill another. Do this 20 times.
Comment: You must unlock the Puppet skill first - it is located on the second level of the blue Signs skill tree. Set this ability to active and remember to hold down the button (a single press is not enough) to activate it.
The Puppet ability brainwashes the attacked opponent, making it Geralt's ally for a short while - this person will attack other enemies. Try to reach the skill's maximum level - enemies under the Axii sign will deal more damage. It'll increase your chances of someone getting killed before the mind control stops working. You should also try to use the Puppet skill during fights with weak opponents who can quickly die.
Humpty Dumpty
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Kill 10 opponents by knocking them off somewhere high with the Aard Sign.
Comment: The opponent attacked by the Aard sign not only has to be pushed backwards, but also fall into the abyss. This means that you have to fight on high balconies and near cliff edges. You can, of course, try to lure enemies out from "safe" locations to near an abyss and then attack them with the Aard sign.
You don't have to kill 10 enemies with a single Aard. You can use it 10 times on 10 different opponents. The game will count only kills from great heights.
Environmentally Unfriendly
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Kill 50 opponents using the environment (e.g. swamp gas, insects or objects).
Comment: A big help is that the game counts various methods of eliminating opponents using elements of the environment. This should help you to unlock the achievement relatively early, despite the fact that you have to kill 50 enemies this way.
The easiest way to get it is to go to Crookback Bog in Velen. You can come across a lot of Drowners and Water Hags there - detonate poisonous swamp gas using the Igni sign.
You can also look for places with insect nests and explosive crates - use the Igni sign to destroy the latter.
Kaer Morhen Trained
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Perform 10 effective counterattacks in a row without getting hit or parrying.
Comment: To counter, you must press (do not hold!) the counterattack button just before the enemy's attack reaches Geralt. Countering requires training, but the game leaves a certain margin of error.
The important information is that after you counterattack, you do not have to attack the enemy again. This can also be done in a fist fight. You just have to perform a successful counter. Try to get this achievement when fighting larger groups of bandits. Be sure that there are no enemies with ranged weapons among them.
Can't Touch This
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Kill 5 foes in a fight without taking damage (except for Toxicity) and without using the Quen Sign.
Comment: This is not a difficult achievement. You can get it, for example, when fighting groups of bandits. Make sure that none of the enemies can attack from a distance, and that the group consists of at least 5 opponents.
Once you start fighting, remember to dodge and use other signs besides Quen. Don't get too far away from the enemies, because the kill counter can reset. If you still have problems, consider setting the difficulty level to easy.
This is the Evilest Thing...
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Ignite the gas produced by a Dragon's Dream bomb using a burning opponent. Do this 10 times.
Comment: To get this trophy, you must use Dragon's Dream bombs, which you can find, buy or make yourself - check out the Alchemy page.
Look for, e.g. regular bandits or Drowners. Always start by using the Igni sign to set fire to at least one opponent and then throw the bomb to automatically cause an explosion (when Dragon's Dream bomb sprays gas). Do this 9 more times.
Additional remarks:
- You only need to cause an explosion. A gas explosion doesn't have to kill the creature that was set on fire.
- Meditation can replenish your supply of bombs. Since Geralt can carry a maximum of 2 bombs, you will need to replenish their stock at least 4 times.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Fill all mutagen slots.
Comment: We discussed Mutagens in detail in the Character development chapter. In short - placing them in the available slots can strengthen Geralt's selected skills and statistics.
You can fill the four slots after reaching level 28. By then, you should have a huge number of mutagens. An additional convenience is you can place different types of mutagens. They don't have to be mutagens of the same color.
Butcher of Blaviken
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Kill at least 5 opponents in under 10 seconds.
Comment: This is not a particularly difficult achievement. You can get it even in the first hours of the game by attacking the weakest creatures with the lowest levels - it can be, for example, rats or wild dogs.
To make the trophy easier, you can, for example, use the Igni sign (set enemies on fire) or bombs that deal area damage. If necessary, you can also consider lowering the difficulty level to make enemies more vulnerable to damage.
Triple Threat
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Kill 3 opponents in one fight using 3 different methods (swords, bombs, crossbow, Signs, etc.).
Comment: This trophy has a rather complicated description, but you shouldn't have problems with fulfilling the requirements. It is a good idea to play on easy or normal difficulty level, and fight a large group of opponents - bandits or wild dogs.
We recommend:
- Focusing on enemy 1 and ignoring all other enemies for now. Killing enemy 1 with any sword.
- Focusing on enemy 2 and ignoring all other enemies for now. Killing enemy 2 using a crossbow.
- Use an offensive Witcher sign(e.g. Igni) or bombs/firecrackers to eliminate at least one of the remaining opponents. Be sure to leave the sign/bomb for last - they deal area damage meaning that you can kill several enemies at the same time. This will end the battle prematurely.
Note - Do not get too far away from the opponents, because the game can reset the kill counter, forcing you to repeat the sequence.
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Defeat Olaf, the Skellige champion of unarmed combat.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the Fists of Fury subplot, in which you have to defeat several contestants using your fists. Olaf is the last fighter you have to defeat on the Skellige islands - you must first defeat three "weaker" warriors to be able to challenge him to a duel.
Trophy type: silver
Description of achievement: Make an opponent suffer from bleeding, poisoning and burning simultaneously. Do this 10 times.
Comment: You should look for stronger opponents. The point is to avoid situations where an opponent dies "too early", i.e. before imposing all three negative statuses.
- You can cause bleeding by, for example, using the right crossbow bolts.
- Poisoning can be caused by, e.g. throwing a bomb / firecracker that sprays gas.
- The easiest way to inflict burning is to use the Igni sign.
Master Marksman
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Kill 50 human and nonhuman opponents by striking them in the head with a crossbow bolt.
Comment: This is one of the most problematic achievements of the game - not all kills with a crossbow count. Only kills with a headshot count.
You can make things easier by using the Lightning Reflexes ability from the Fencing category. Invest points in it to increase the slow motion effect when aiming a crossbow. This should make it easier for you to aim at enemies' heads.
Look for weaker, low-level opponents. You need to be sure that a single headshot will be enough to kill them. You can also lower the difficulty level to weaken enemies' attack strength.
What Was That?
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Attack, counter, cast a Sign and throw a bomb (in any order) in under 4 seconds.
Comment: You will probably need several attempts to unlock this trophy. You need to hurry up and do the next steps without any delay. The order we suggest is:
- Counter - You won't have to wait for an opponent to attack.
- Attack with any sword.
- Throw any bomb.
- Use any witcher sign.
Interestingly, the opponents do not have to take damage from the bomb and sign to unlock the trophy. Try to fight, for example, a Drowner, bandit or wolf. Ideally, you should be facing a single opponent, so that no one will break the sequence.
Even Odds

Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Kill 2 monsters you have a contract on without using Signs, potions, mutagens, oils or bombs.
Note - This trophy can be missed. Beasts defeated during Witcher contracts don't respawn. So it is possible to "run out" of them.
Comment: This achievement offers a lot of freedom in doing it. However, it is best to deal with it early in the game, as many creatures from the Witcher contracts encountered in the later part of the campaign have strong unique attacks and skills.
- The first recommended monster is Shrieker. We described the hunting of this monster on the Witcher contracts in Crow's Perch page.
- The second recommended monster is Wyvern. We described the hunting of this monster on the Witcher contracts in Military Camp page.
You should be able to defeat both monsters even on the highest difficulty level and without any bombs, oils or signs.
If you still have problems, finish the game first and then load any save from when you arrived in Velen. Set the lowest difficulty level, and you won't have to worry about preparing for fights or healing yourself during a battle. You should also get as much XP as possible in advance so that the difference in experience level is as large as possible (in favor of Geralt). This will make the monster lose health points faster.

Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Discover 100 fast travel points.
Comment: Roadsigns serve as travel points in The Witcher 3 - an example is shown in the above image.
The roadsigns are not visible on the map from the beginning. You have to discover them as you travel around the game world, and many of the roadsigns are located at roadsides or near villages and quest locations. Fast travel points are green icons on the map and we have included them in our world atlas maps. There are more than 100 of them in the game, so you don't have to reach them all.
Pest Control
Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Destroy all monster nests in the Velen / Novigrad region, or in Skellige.
Comment: As a reminder, monster nests are one of the unique types of locations. They can be marked with question marks on the world map. We have marked the locations of the nests on the maps in our world atlas. After reaching a nest, you have to deal with the monsters (probably ghouls) and then throw a bomb into the nest. Try to unlock several types of bombs and always have a few in stock.
An important characteristic of this trophy is that you can get it by destroying all the nests on one of the two main maps:
- In Velen and Novigrad, there are 24 nests, and they are guarded by lower level monsters.
- On Skellige Islands, there are only 5 nests, but they are guarded by higher level monsters.
Card Collector

Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Acquire all gwent cards available in the base version of the game.
Note - This trophy can be missed. This will happen if you miss the only opportunity to get one of the cards for the collection.
Comment: Gwent rules are described in a separate chapter of our guide. You will also find a page with list of players. Each player defeated rewards you with a card. You can also buy new Gwent cards.
Unique card can be obtained only in specific places - there is a risk that you may miss the only chance to get them. You need to complete the following quests:
- A Dangerous Game - Decide to keep the cards rather than accept payment.
- Gwent: Old Pals - Make sure you face Zoltan, Roch, and Lambert.
- A Matter of Life and Death - Play with three people during the ball.
- Plot - After completing this quest, play with rescued Talar.
Gwent Master
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Defeat Tybalt and win the gwent tournament held at the Passiflora.
Note - This trophy can be missed. This will happen if you lose in any of the four rounds of the Gwent tournament.
Comment: The Gwent tournament is played as part of the High Stakes side quest in Novigrad. Don't do this quest right after you unlock it. Try to prepare as strong a deck as possible first by collecting as many valuable cards from the same deck (you can choose your favorite one).
There are 4 opponents to beat in the tournament. The matches are played one after another. However, you can save the game in between them. Be sure to use this option - if you lose to any of the opponents immediately, you will drop out of tournament and you won't be able to get the achievement.
Let's Cook
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Learn 12 potion formulae.
Comment: This is one of the simpler achievements, provided that you will carefully explore the locations in search of the loot. This is the best method for finding new recipes for making potions.
An alternative method of obtaining formulae is buying them from herbalists and selected other traders. This can speed up the process of getting the achievement.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Collect the formulae for 6 different bomb types.
Comment: This achievement is similar to the Let's Cook trophy described above. Bomb formulae can be found during exploration or bought from trades.
If you want to easily get the trophy, consider visiting the Herbalist's Hut located to the north-east of Oxenfurt. You can check its location on the Oxenfurt map in the world atlas. The Herbalist should be selling formulae for bombs - if you do not want to lose a large amount of gold, save the game before you buy six of them.
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Read 30 books, journals or other documents.
Comment: This is a very easy trophy, because its requirements include all varieties of books, documents, notes and other such objects. Look for the interactive items and browse them in the inventory screen.
You can also make getting the trophy easier by interacting with the notice boards. Messages hanging on them are also counted as notes.
Armed and Dangerous

Trophy type: silver
How to unlock: Find and equip all the elements of one set of witcher gear.
Comment: The easiest way to get this achievement is to complete the basic Griffin set. All the items that are included in each set are described in the Witcher Gear Pieces chapter. In our example, we have 4 elements of armor and 2 types of swords.
Regardless of the chosen witcher gear, you will have to complete two steps:
- Obtain items schematics included in the set.
- Craft items and equip them.
Power Overhelming
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Have all possible Place of Power bonuses active at the same time.
Comment: Places of Power are a kind of shrines. By interacting with them, you get temporary bonuses to statistics. The easiest way to get this trophy is to explore Velen and Novigrad.
Use the map from the Places of Power in Velen in our guide. Visit the five places of power related to specific witcher signs. Use fast travel (roadsigns) to quickly reach remote Places of Power. You need to do this before the bonuses from the previously visited shrines stop working.
Brawl Master
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete all fistfighting quests in Velen, Skellige and Novigrad.
Comment: This trophy has similar assumptions to the Brawler achievement described earlier. You have to deal with side quests from the Fists of Fury in which you have to defeat opponents without using weapons.
It is important to proceed to the next battles only when the recommended level of the quest is equal to or lower than Geralt's level. Otherwise, you can have huge problems with winning. You can also wait with the fist fights until you beat the story. This way you will be able to lower the difficulty.
Fast and Furious
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Win all the horse races in the game.
Note - This trophy can be missed. This will happen if you do not complete its requirements before starting The Isle of Mists main quest or if you lose one of the races that cannot be repeated.
Comment: There are 11 horse races - 3 in Velen, 4 near Novigrad and 4 on the Skellige islands. We recommend saving the game before each race to be able to replay the race (if you lose).
Each race has a similar structure. When a race begins, start galloping, and then speed up as soon as possible. Since the gallop gradually depletes the horse's stamina bar, you must use it with caution. You can, for example, stop galloping in narrow places where one of the competitors will have a problem with overtaking Geralt (you can also try to block them in other parts of the track), or where there are sharper turns.
Trophy type: gold
How to unlock: Reach character development level 35.
Comment: This is a time-consuming achievement, although you shouldn't have any problems getting it later in the campaign, even if you don't play the expansions.
Tips and information about collecting XP can be found on the Gaining new experience levels page. As a reminder, you can get the most experience points by completing quests, so try to do as many side quests as possible.
Fire in the Hole
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Destroy 10 monster nests using bombs.
Comment: This is a much simpler version of the Pest Control achievement described earlier. You can use any bombs to destroy the nests. Keep in mind that Geralt can carry a limited number of them, so when you run out of bombs, use meditation.
Fist of the South Star
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Defeat an opponent in a fistfight without taking any damage.
Comment: The earliest you can compete for this trophy is during the Lilac and Gooseberries main quest in the White Orchard. After leaving the inn in the village, you will be forced to deal with a few villagers - this is a good chance to defeat someone without getting hit.
Another good chance appear during the Fists of Fury subplot. However, you need to be aware that the enemies there are quite demanding and strong.
Geralt and Friends
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Win a round of gwent using only neutral cards.
Comment: Neutral cards are those that are not marked with any banner on the card's left edge. An ideal example of this type of card is Zoltan Chivay.
You can get this card in White Orchard right after your first encounter with Gwent. This location is the best for this trophy - players encountered later in the game will have stronger cards. If you are looking for information about the mini-game itself, check out the Gwent Game chapter in our guide.
All In
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Play three hero cards in one round of gwent and win the match.
Comment: Hero Cards are special cards with important characters from the game, for example, Ciri, Yennefer or Roche. You will recognize these cards by the fact that the information about its strength in the upper left corner is surrounded by a pattern in the shape of the sun.
You can collect Hero Cards during the game, e.g. by beating other players in Gwent. You should think about getting this achievement after making enough progress and building your deck. This will increase the chances that you will be able to choose at least 3 of them in the same round. Since you must also win the match, make sure the rest of your deck is strong enough.

Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete the contract on the shrieker.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the witcher contracts, that is, hunts for powerful monsters. You need to take care of the quest Contract: Shrieker which we have described in detail on the Witcher contracts in Crookback Bog page. You have to defeat a Shrieker - a flying monster.
Before proceeding with this quest, make sure that Geralt's level is not lower than the quest's recommended level. You can also do witcher contracts after you finish the main story, so you can lower the difficulty level and not miss anything.
Fearless Vampire Slayer
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete the contract on Sarasti.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the witcher contracts, that is, hunts for powerful monsters. You need to do the Contract: The mystery of the Byways Murders quest which we have described on the Witcher contracts in Midcopse page. You need to defeat a vampire - Ekkima.
Before proceeding with this quest, make sure that Geralt's level is not lower than the quest's recommended level. You can also do witcher contracts after you finish the main story, so you can lower the difficulty level and not miss anything.
Woodland Spirit

Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete the contract on the Woodland Spirit.
Note - This trophy can be missed. This will happen if you refuse to fight with the creature during the quest.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with hunting powerful monsters, but it is not a witcher contract. You need to do the In the Heart of the Wood quest which we have discussed in detail on Side quests in Kaer Muire page. You need to defeat a forest monster - Leshen.
It is very important that you should choose the option that involves tracking down and killing Leshen. You will have to meet Sven. Before proceeding with this quest, make sure that Geralt's level is not lower than the quest's recommended level. You may also consider returning to this mission after beating the main story, so you can lower the difficulty level.
Fiend or foe?
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete the contract on Morvudd.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the witcher contracts, that is, hunts for powerful monsters. You need to take care of the Contract: Missing Son quest which we have discussed in detail on Witcher contracts in Kaer Trolde. You have to defeat a Fiend.
Before proceeding with this quest, make sure that Geralt's level is not lower than the quest's recommended level. You can also do witcher contracts after you finish the main story, so you can lower the difficulty level and not miss anything.
Ashes to Ashes
Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Complete the contract on Therazane.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the witcher contracts, that is, hunts for powerful monsters. You need to take care of the Contract: Doors Slamming Shut quest which we have discussed on the Witcher contracts in Novigrad page. You have to defeat an earth elemental.
Before proceeding with this quest, make sure that Geralt's level is not lower than the quest's recommended level. You can also do witcher contracts after you finish the main story, so you can lower the difficulty level and not miss anything.
The Doppler Effect

Trophy type: bronze
How to unlock: Resolve the doppler problem in Novigrad.
Note - This trophy can be missed. This will happen if you fail at chasing the Doppler.
Comment: This is one of the trophies associated with the witcher contracts, that is, hunts for powerful monsters. You need to take care of Contract: An Elusive Thief quest which we have discussed in detail on the Witcher contracts in Novigrad page. You have to defeat a Doppler - a shapeshifter (it will take the form of Geralt). You can't fail at chasing the Doppler - this will fail the quest. Make a manual save before starting this contract.
Before proceeding with this quest, make sure that Geralt's level is not lower than the quest's recommended level. You can also do witcher contracts after you finish the main story, so you can lower the difficulty level and not miss anything.