Cyberpunk 2077: The Information walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Tuesday, December 15, 2020
On this page of our guide for Cyberpunk 2077 you will find a detailed walkthrough for the mission called The Information.
V must meet with Evelyn Parker, who tasked Dex with stealing the biochip. Unfortunately, you have not managed to get more information about her.
Mission awards: Level Up, 1 Attribute Point, 1 Perk Point.
Sit at the bar and ask about Evelyn.
Go to Lizzies Bar between 6:00 PM and 6:00 AM and talk to the bouncers to start the first stage of this mission. If you arrive too early, just toggle time skip in the main menu.

Talk to Mateo and ask about Evelyn Parker. After a while, a woman who was sitting at the bar before you approached it will talk to you. Get up and follow Evelyn to the VIP room to talk about business.

The conversation with Evelyn Parker may vary slightly depending on how you have developed your character and which dialogue options (related to different attributes or origins) you use. But it all comes down to a solid summary of the task that awaits you. You have to steal Relic from the Konpeki Plaza hotel, from the apartment on the top floor, which is rented by Yorinobu Arasaka. Interestingly, Yorinobu has made a secret deal with NetWatch and wants to sell them the chip. V is to make sure that the transaction never happens and that Relic lands straight in Evelyn's hands.
Follow Evelyn

After the conversation, leave the VIP room and follow Evelyn to the place where you will be able to use braindance and watch the recording from inside Yorinobu's apartment, which will certainly make your task easier.

You will meet Judy, one of the Mox and a trusted friend of Evelyn's. This extremely talented braindance editor calibrates Evelyn's raw recording for V. Sit down in the chair to start the calibration process.
Seizure warning!
When connecting to braindance, you will encounter a variety of visual effects, including flickering lights, which can cause a small group of people to develop seizures or loss of consciousness. If you have a tendency to epilepsy, just in case, close your eyes or turn away until the braindance startup sequence is complete.

At this point you will go through a short tutorial from the braindance editor based on a sample recording. V will impersonate the culprit of a recent robbery in a store in Heywood. When the man is shot, V will feel a terrible headache and wake up from the trance. The calibration process will be over and you will be able to return braindance to play detective in analysis mode and solve the murder mystery. Follow the instructions given by Judy.

Once the puzzle is solved, you can stay in the sample braindance as much as you want and use all the options to learn more about the technology. When you are finished, leave the recording.

When Judy asks if V is ready to take care of Evelyn's recording, he/she won't be entirely convinced and wants to take a short break. However, Evelyn will not allow it, claiming that there is no time to waste. V will connect to T-Bug to receive hints while editing the material, and Judy will turn on the corresponding recording.

The main goal of this braindance is to find the place where Relic is stored, although you can also complete two optional goals. The first one is to watch the whole recording so don't skip it, just watch the whole recording - just over 3 minutes.

Then reset the recording to start analysis. Pause it as soon as the elevator door opens and Smasher appears. Scan the motion sensor camera on the right side - you must be in the visual layer. This is one of the devices associated with the second optional objective of this braindance (scanning all apartment security systems).

Resume the recording, but stop it again after a while. Stay in the visual layer and scan the alarm system shown in the picture.

Resume the recording, but stop it at about 30th second. Switch to the audio layer and scan the audio source shown in the picture above - Yorinobu's interlocutor.

Fast forward the recording a little bit. Stay on the audio layer, but this time scan the phone lying on the table.

Resume playback and stay with the camera close to Yorinobu to eavesdrop on his phone conversation. You will receive a warning if you move too far from the sound source. Quickly move the camera closer, so you don't have to start eavesdropping from the beginning.

After completing the target related eavesdropping the conversation, return to the visual layer. Resume playback and stop it around 2:03. The automatic defense cannon, shown in the picture, is to be scanned. This should complete the optional objective to scan all security systems.

Resume playback. You can scan the Liberty gun lying in front of the bed. You can do this on the visual layer around 2:42.

Your new main goal is to scan the datapad on the visual layer. A suitable opportunity appears around 2:45, namely when Yorinobu will put it in the bedside table.

You will unlock the thermal layer and start using it immediately. Rewind the recording to find new clues using the thermal layer. You will find the first one around 2:41 - you can scan the air conditioner on the wall. This is the first of the optional clues.

You will find another optional clue on the thermal layer around 1:56. Scan the table.

Now go back to around 1:03 and stay on the thermal layer. Scan the fridge where Evelyn stands.

At the very end, go back to around 0:39. The Relic is located in a safe hidden in the floor and is located in the corner of the apartment, next to the big shutters. Scan the safe while on the thermal layer and, if necessary, move the camera to see it better. You can finish your braindance session and return to reality.

Finally, Judy will give V a portable braindance device (BD), with the appropriate calibration settings saved. However, the editor does not approve of your action plan and is afraid for your health and life.
Talk to Evelyn

During the conversation, Evelyn suggests that V should do the job directly for her, without sharing the profit with anyone else. You have several possible answers.
- I'll think about it;
- No way. Dex trusts me .
It doesn't matter which option you decide on, because the result will always be the same.

Leave Judy's studio and call Dex. From the conversation you will find out that T-bug has already called him and is analyzing the material as you speak.