Lohse in Divinity Original Sin 2 Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Check out all available and recommended classes for Lohse!
Last update: Monday, March 9, 2020
This page of the Divinity Original Sin 2 guide contains a detailed description of Lohse, one of the characters that can join your party. This section offers information regarding the heroine, available and recommended classes (when choosing Lohse as a main hero or a companion)
Lohse is one of the two Human characters (along with Ifan Ben-Mezd) that can join your team (provided that you didn't select this character as yours). She can be found near the near the north entrance to Fort Joy - she stands near the stairs that leads to a teleportation shrine (Ifan stands north from here). In this chapter, you can find information about the character itself, classes that are available to it (along with their descriptions) as well as a recommended class if you want to choose Lohse as your main character or a companion.

Recommended classes for Lohse
Lohse works great as:
- Enchanter - her default class but it also works great with Maddening Song ability. As an Enchanter, her main role is to attack enemies by using spells that deplete their magic armor - this in turn allows her to inflict the special ability which forces them to attack the nearest target, friend or foe.
- Rogue, Shadowblade, Ranger or Wayfarer - because of Ingenious talent which increases Initiative and a critical hit chance Lohse is great for an assassin or an archer that needs to move quickly and deal as much damage as possible.
Basic information
Name | Description |
Gender | Female |
Race | Human |
Tags | Lohse, Human, Female, Jester, Mystic |
Talents | Thrifty - a character receives +1 to Bartering. Ingenious - a character receives +2 to Initiative and +5% to critical hit chance. |
Comments - Tags are used during conversations with other NPCs which give access to unique dialog lines.
Special abilities
Icon | Name | Description |
![]() | Encourage | Ability unique to Humans. Increases Strength, Finesse, Constitution and Intelligence of all nearby allies (including the person that casted the spell). Bonuses to attributes increase with character's development. |
![]() | Maddening Song | This ability is unique to Lohse. Allows her to inflict Mad status effect that forces enemies to attack their nearest target, regardless of whether they are their friends or foes. |
Classes available for Lohse
Lohse has access to 14 classes which are described in the table below. In case of a class that is for a player (if you want your main character to be Lohse) you can freely modify her starting abilities and attributes. However, if you choose a class for her as your companion then you can't change anything.
Class | Starting bonus | Starting abilities and talents | Starting weapons |
Battlemage | +1 Strength +1 Intelligence +1 Constitution +1 Aerotheurge +1 Warfare +1 Persuasion | Blinding Radiance Battering Ram Shocking Touch Comeback Kid Talent - if a character was revived with a scroll then this talent can be activated again. | 2x Sharp Stone on a Stick (a single-handed axe, 4-5 physical damage) |
Cleric | +1 Strength +1 Intelligence +1 Constitution +1 Hydrosophist +1 Necromancer +1 Bartering | Decaying Touch Restoration Blood Sucker Hothead Talent - when a character has 100% of health, it gets +10% bonus to critical hit chance and +20% to Accuracy. | Claw Hammer (a single-handed club, 4-5 physical damage) Makeshift Shield (a shield, 6 magic armor and 8 physical armor) |
Conjurer | +1 Intelligence +2 Constitution +1 Summoning +1 Loremaster +1 Leadership | Conjure Incarnate Dimensional Bolt Elemental Totem Pet Pal Talent - allows this character to speak with animals. | Makeshift Wand (a wand, 2-3 damage from a random element) |
Enchanter | +2 Intelligence +1 Constitution +1 Hydrosophist +1 Aerotheurge +1 Loremaster | Electric Discharge Hail Strike Rain Far Out Man Talent - increases range of scrolls and spells by 2 meters. | Improvised Staff (a staff, 5-7 damage from a random element) |
Fighter | +1 Strength +2 Constitution +1 Warfare +1 Geomancer +1 Bartering
| Battle Stomp Bouncing Shield Fortify Opportunist Talent - allows a character to perform additional attack when an enemy passes them by. | Knife On a Stick (a single-handed sword, 4-5 physical damage) Makeshift Shield (a shield, 6 magic armor and 8 physical armor) |
Inquisitor | +1 Strength +1 Intelligence +1 Constitution +1 Warfare +1 Necromancer +1 Telekinesis | Blood Sucker Battering Ram Mosquito Swarm Executioner Talent - gives a character 2 AP after performing an attack that kills an enemy. The effect can be activated once per turn. | Makeshift Club (a two-handed club, 6-7 physical damage) |
Knight | +2 Strength +1 Constitution +1 Warfare +1 Two-Handed +1 Bartering | Battle Stomp Battering Ram Crippling Blow Opportunist Talent - allows a character to perform additional attack when an enemy passes them by. | Cracked Twohander (a two-handed sword, 6-7 physical damage) |
Metamorph | +2 Strength +2 Finesse +1 Two-Handed +1 Polymorph +1 Persuasion | Tentacle Lash Chicken Claw Bull Horns Opportunist Talent - allows a character to perform additional attack when an enemy passes them by. | Wooden Pitchfork (a spear, 6-7 physical damage) |
Ranger | +2 Finesse +1 Wits +1 Huntsman +1 Pyrokinetic +1 Lucky Charm | Ricochet Peace of Mind Elemental Arrowheads Arrow Recovery Talent - gives a character 33% chance to recover a special arrow after using it. | Twig With a String (a bow, 5-6 physical damage) |
Rogue | +2 Finesse +1 Constitution +1 Scoundrel +1 Sneaking +1 Dual Wielding | Throwing Knife Backlash Adrenaline The Pawn Talent - gives a character 1 additional AP point per turn. This point can be spent on movement and it's granted at the beginning of each turn. | 2x Shiv (a dagger, 3-4 physical damage) |
Shadowblade | +2 Finesse +2 Wits +1 Scoundrel +1 Polymorph +1 Thievery | Chameleon Cloak Backlash Chicken Claw Guerilla Talent - increases character's damage by 40% while they are Sneaking. Doesn't work while using effects that cast Invisibility. | Shiv (a dagger, 3-4 physical damage) |
Wayfarer | +2 Finesse +1 Intelligence +1 Huntsman +1 Geomancer +1 Bartering | Pin Down Fossil Strike Elemental Arrowheads Pet Pal Talent - allows this character to speak with animals. | Toy Crossbow (a crossbow, 6-7 physical damage) |
Witch | +1 Finesse +1 Intelligence +1 Constitution +1 Scoundrel +1 Necromancer +1 Persuasion | Raise Bloated Corpse Chloroform Mosquito Swarm Leech Talent - heals a character when they stand in pool of blood. | Shiv (a dagger, 3-4 physical damage) |
Wizard | +2 Intelligence +1 Constitution +1 Pyrokinetic +1 Geomancer +1 Loremaster | Searing Daggers Fossil Strike Ignition Far Out Man Talent - increases range of scrolls and spells by 2 meters. | Makeshift Wand (a wand, 2-3 damage from a random element) |