Hogwarts Legacy: The Astronomy Wing Hogwarts Legacy guide
The Astronomy Wing is one of the parts of the castle in Hogwarts Legacy. Here you will learn how to get all 23 Field Guide Pages.
Last update: Thursday, March 16, 2023
There are 23 Field Guide Pages in The Astronomy Wing. In this Hogwarts Legacy guide, we explain how to get all the Field Guide Pages, pages hidden in Levioso statues, Dragon Braziers and Empty Moth Paintings. Our tips will help you collect all Revelio pages.
Field Guide Pages are divided into several types. On How to search for guide pages? we have described in detail how to recognize these collectibles.
Some rooms or passages in the castle will have a padlock on the door. You can read about when you will learn the Alohomora spell at: How to open locks?.
- Revelio Page #45
- Brazier Field Guide Page #9
- Empty Moth Painting #8
- Revelio Page #46
- Flying Field Guide Page #9
- Levioso Field Guide Page #7
- Revelio Page #47
- Empty Moth Painting #9
- Revelio Page #48
- Brazier Field Guide Page #10
- Revelio Page #49
- Levioso Field Guide Page #8
- Revelio Page #50
- Revelio Page #51
- Revelio Page #52
- Revelio Page #53
- Revelio Page #54
- Revelio Page #55
- Empty Moth Painting #10
- Revelio Page #56
- Brazier Field Guide Page #11
- Flying Field Guide Page #10
- Levioso Field Guide Page #9
Revelio Page #45
Related map marker: Revelio Page #45 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

Name: Astronomy Telescope.
- Use the Astronomy Tower fast travel point.
- Go through the wooden arch and go up the stairs.
- Climb the spiral staircase to the top of the tower.
- Approach the largest telescope and use the Revelio spell.
Brazier Field Guide Page #9
Related map marker: Brazier #9 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

- Teleport to the Astronomy Tower fast travel point.
- Go through the wooden arch and go up the stairs.
- Climb the spiral staircase to the top of the tower.

- When you get to the platform with telescopes, turn right and go down the stairs.
- There is a Brazier under the platform.
- Light the brazier with any fire spell.
Empty Moth Painting #8
Related map marker: Moth from painting #8 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle
Related map marker: Empty Moth Painting #8 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

- Use the Astronomy Tower fast travel point.
- Go through the wooden arch and go up the stairs.
- You will find a blank painting next to the armor. Use the Lumos spell and check where the moth is.

- Climb the spiral staircase to the top of the tower.
- The moth will be on the left, on the board.
- Take the moth with you and return to the painting.
Revelio Page #46
Related map marker: Revelio Page #46 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

Name: Tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy.
- Use the Astronomy Tower fast travel point.
- Go down the stairs and follow the corridor.
- On the left, you will find a tapestry with trolls. Use Revelio and read the page.
Flying Field Guide Page #9
Related map marker: Flying Guide Page #9 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

- Use the Charms Classroom fast travel point.
- The collectible will be flying near the Floo Flame.
- Grab the page with the Accio spell.
Levioso Field Guide Page #7
Related map marker: Levioso Page #7 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

- Teleport to the Charms Classroom Floo Flame.
- Go up the stairs to the left of the Floo Flame.
- Use Levioso on the statue in the round room.
Revelio Page #47
Related map marker: Revelio Page #47 (Astronmy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

Name: Dark Tower Cell.
- Teleport to the Charms Classroom Floo Flame.
- Go down the stairs to the right of the Floo Flame.
- Enter the Charms classroom.
- Climb the spiral staircase and open the locked level 1 door.

- Climb another spiral stairs to the very top.
- Go through the door and head outside.
- Turn left and open the gate with the level 2 lock.
- Enter the cell and use the Revelio spell.
Empty Moth Painting #9
Related map marker: Moth from painting #9 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle
Related map marker: Empty Moth Painting #9 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

- Use the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower fast travel point.
- Approach the empty painting by the stairs and use the Lumos spell.

- Turn around and go to the end of the corridor.
- Turn right and go up the stairs one floor up.
- Go through the arch and turn left.

- Keep going straight until you reach the Floo Flames.
- The moth will be sitting on the pillar.
- Take the moth with you and return to the painting.
Revelio Page #48
Related map marker: Revelio Page #48 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

Name: Augurey Skeleton.
- Use the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower fast travel point.
- Go down the stairs and turn right.
- Go down and approach the bird's skeleton.
- Use the Revelio spell and read the page.
Brazier Field Guide Page #10
Related map marker: Brazier #10 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

- Teleport to the Professor Fig's Classroom fast travel point.
- Standing in front of the fast travel point, turn right and approach the balustrade.
- Use any fire spell on the brazier hanging on the wall.
- Use the Accio spell and grab the page.
Revelio Page #49
Related map marker: Revelio Page #49 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

Name: Wyvern Fountain.
- Use the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flames.
- Approach the statue in the middle of the courtyard and use the Revelio spell.
Levioso Field Guide Page #8
Related map marker: Levioso Page #8 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

- Use the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flames.
- Go through the arch on the right and turn left.
- Approach the statue and use the Levioso spell.
Revelio Page #50
Related map marker: Revelio Page #50 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

Name: Painting of Illyius.
- Use the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flames.
- Enter the castle through the door next to the Floo Flames.
- Turn right and go up another staircase.
- Approach the picture on the wall and use the Revelio spell.
Revelio Page #51
Related map marker: Revelio Page #51 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

Name: Boggarts Closet.
- Use the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flames.
- Enter the castle through the door next to the Floo Flames.
- Turn right and go up another staircase.
- Open the door with a level 2 lock and go inside.
- Go to the wardrobe at the end of the room and use the Revelio spell.
Revelio Page #52
Related map marker: Revelio Page #52 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

Name: Partial Transfiguration.
- Teleport to the Transfiguration Classroom fast travel point.
- Enter the classroom and approach the desk on the left side of the chamber.
- Use the Revelio spell and read the page.
Revelio Page #53
Related map marker: Revelio Page #53 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

Name: Hebridean Black Skeleton.
- Use the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom fast travel point.
- Enter the classroom and go to the stairs at the end of the chamber.
- Use the Revelio spell on the balustrade and read the page.
Revelio Page #54
Related map marker: Revelio Page #54 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

Name: Serpentine Beast Window.
- Teleport to the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom fast travel point.
- Take the stairs on the right and go to the end of the hall.
- Approach the window on the right and use the Revelio spell.
Revelio Page #55
Related map marker: Revelio Page #55 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

Name: Pungent Passage.
- Use the West Tower fast travel point in the Bell Tower Wing.
- Go down the stairs to the left of the fast travel point.
- Stand in the middle of the corridor and use the Revelio spell.
Empty Moth Painting #10
Related map marker: Moth from painting #10 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle
Related map marker: Empty Moth Painting #10 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

- Use the West Tower fast travel point in the Bell Tower Wing.
- Go down the stairs to the left of the fast travel point.
- At the end of the corridor, you will find an empty painting.
- Approach the painting and use the Lumos spell.

- Return to the fast travel point and approach the centaur tapestry.
- Grab him and return to the painting.
Revelio Page #56
Related map marker: Revelio Page #56 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

Name: Alchemy Class.
- Teleport to the Bell Tower Courtyard fast travel point in the Bell Tower Wing.
- With the fast travel point behind you, climb the stairs on the left and go through the door.
- Go down the stairs and through the next door.

- Keep going down the stairs until you're in the dungeons.
- Turn right past the sleeping dragon statue and go to the end of the corridor.

- Open the door with a level 2 lock and go inside.
- Use the Revelio spell and read the page.
Brazier Field Guide Page #11
Related map marker: Brazier #11 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

- Teleport to the Bell Tower Courtyard fast travel point in the Bell Tower Wing.
- With the fast travel point behind you, climb the stairs on the left and go through the door.
- Go down the stairs and through the next door.

- Keep going down the stairs until you're in the dungeons.
- Turn right past the sleeping dragon statue and go to the end of the corridor.

- Open the door with a level 2 lock and go inside.
- There will be a brazier above the door.
- Light the brazier with any fire spell and use Accio to get the page.
Flying Field Guide Page #10
Related map marker: Flying Guide Page #10 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

- Use the Bell Tower Courtyard fast travel point in the Bell Tower Wing.
- With the fast travel point behind you, climb the stairs on the left and go through the door.
- Go down the stairs and through the next door.

- Keep going down the stairs until you're in the dungeons.
- Turn right past the sleeping dragon statue and go to the end of the corridor.

- Open the door with a level 2 lock and go inside.
- Go through the door at the end of the chamber.

- Turn left and go to the end of the corridor.
- Turn left before the stairs.

- Look up and use Accio to get the page.
Levioso Field Guide Page #9
Related map marker: Levioso Page #9 (Astronomy Tower) @ Hogwarts Castle

- Use the Bell Tower Courtyard fast travel point in the Bell Tower Wing.
- With the fast travel point behind you, climb the stairs on the left and go through the door.
- Go down the stairs and through the next door.

- Keep going down the stairs until you're in the dungeons.
- Turn right past the sleeping dragon statue and go to the end of the corridor.

- Open the door with a level 2 lock and go inside.
- Go through the door at the end of the chamber.

- Turn left and go to the end of the corridor.
- Turn left before the stairs.

- Open the level 1 lock on the gate.
- Enter the chamber and use the teleporter in the frog statue.

- Approach the statue and use the Levioso spell.