Darkest Dungeon 2: Profile and Hope Darkest Dungeon 2 guide, tips
On this page of the Darkest Dungeon 2 guide, we describe the game mechanics: Profile and Hope.
Last update: Thursday, October 28, 2021
On the following page, you will learn what Hope is for, how to earn Hope points, how Hope affects leveling up the Profile, and why do you increase your Profile level in Darkest Dungeon 2. You will also learn what increases Hope.

Hope is a statistic that affects the Profile . Hope increases when you finish Journeys - whether or not you succeed (which probably won't happen on your first attempt), you will gain some Hope and possibly level up your profile.
A journey is a single run. If your heroes die or you decide that there is no point in continuing the current run in your party's current state, you can cancel it and start a new one.

You can see your current Profile status in the game menu. Every next 3 profile levels you will unlock new heroes . If you don't expect the current Journey to be especially fruitful, you can Cancel the journey from the menu screen, go to its summary and try again later.
Later Profile levels, apart from unlocking more heroes, also provide other bonuses. You can view them in the main menu. The highest profile level is 50 , but the bonus level decreases in the later stages.
Hope is increased by:
- Distance traveled,
- Number of owned (removed) items,
- Extra points for completing the next regions,
- Visiting Shrines,
- Number of fights won,
- Additional points for completing the level and defeating the final boss,
- As a reward for completing the conditions when going through the regions.

Of course, not every activity is rewarded equally. You should visit the Shrines since they are simple and time-consuming activities (this, of course, also involves unlocking new skills). Completing a mission with a reward offers 250 or 500 extra Hope, which is a worthy prize.