The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Witcher contracts, Vegelbud Residence - walkthrough The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
On this page of the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide you'll find a walkthrough for a sole witcher contract that takes place in Vegelbud Residence area. The solution below shows, among others, the location of Meiersdorf, how to track the Phantom, and how to catch and defeat Wild Hunt Hound.
Contract: The Apiarian Phantom

Talk with Meiersdorf on his farm (M7,6). First bargain a good price - in this case it will be around 320 crowns.
Now go to the pointed hive and examine it. You will find a trail leading to the pond - on its southern side you will find another trail and 3 drowners. Watch out for their high (10) level.

The trail will lead you to the basement. The door is locked but when you interact with them one of the Meiersdorfs will come and give you the key. Inside you will find the Wild Hunt Hound who will immediately run away from the basement and try to escape from you. Mount the Roach and follow him. He will stop on the meadow. There you must take him down. Use many fire attacks and watch out for his attack in which he creates ice around him. After defeating the beast take the trophy (+5% chance of finding additional herbals) and go back to the questgiver for the money.
Reward for completing the task: hound's trophy: +5% chance of finding additional herbs.