God of War Ragnarok: Helgrind, Helheim - secrets, collectibles God of War Ragnarok guide
This page of the guide to God of War Ragnarok describes secrets from the Helgrind region of Helheim - it's Lore and Odin's Ravens. Locating all the finds will bring you closer to completing the world of Helhehim at 100%.
Last update: Thursday, November 24, 2022
Helgrind is one of the more important regions of Helheim in God of War Ragnarok. On this page of our guide, we list and supply locations of all collectibles and secrets appearing in Helgrind - among them, Lore items, and Odin's Ravens. Collecting all of these finds will allow you to attain 100% completion of the region.
All collectibles
There are following collectibles and side activities to find and complete in Helgrind region of Helheim:
- 2x Lore;
- 2x Odin's Ravens.
Wait with collecting the finds until you visit this region as Kratos. The most soon you can do that is during Reunion story task (the search for Garm).
Odin's Raven #1

The first Odin's Raven here is airborne above the path south-east from the Mystic Gateway. You should encounter it shortly after starting the exploration of Helheim as Kratos - consider using the Spear to make matters easier.
Lore #1 - Prayer to Hraesvelgr
Category: Rune Reads.

These runes are in the central part of the region. To be exact, you should see them on small rocks after defeating one of the enemy groups.
Lore #2 - Hraesvelgr
Category: Lore Markers.

This rune board is not far from the Mystic Gateway.
If you're in the course of the Reunion story mission, you visit this location after the second fight against Garm - i.e. on the way back to the gateway to be exact.
Odin's Raven #2

This Odin's Raven is perched on a rock in the ruins next to the Mystic Gateway.
If you're in the course of the Reunion story mission, you visit this location after the second fight against Garm - i.e. on the way back to the gateway to be exact.