Hogwarts Legacy: The High Keep Hogwarts Legacy guide
This page of the guide to Hogwarts Legacy contains a walkthrough of the main mission The High Keep. You will learn how to infiltrate Falbarton Castle, how to climb the Battlements, how to raise the castle gate, how to get to the roof, how to escape from the castle and how to unlock access to flying mounts.
Last update: Friday, February 17, 2023
On this page of the Hogwarts Legacy guide, you can find a walkthrough for The High Keep main quest. The following walkthrough tells you how to get to Falbarton Castle together with Natty, how to climb the battlements, how to solve the puzzle of raising the gate for Natty, how to get to the roof of the castle and how to escape on the back of a flying mount.
- Unlocking the quest
- Rewards for completing the quest
- Meet Natty near Falbarton Castle
- Climb the battlements
- Enter the Gatehouse
- Open the main gate
- Follow Natty
- Get to the roof
- Follow Natty on Highwing
Unlocking the quest
You must first complete the Professor Garlick's Assignment 1 to unlock the Wingardium Leviosa spell - we have described this quest on a separate page of our walkthrough.
Moreover, your hero needs to be at least level 17.
Rewards for completing the quest

- XP;
- Flying Mounts unlocked - by default, the selected mount will be Highwing and, just like the broom, you can summon them from the tool wheel (hold L1/LB).
- Back on the Path main quest unlocked.
Meet Natty near Falbarton Castle

Falbarton Castle is in the north-east of the Highlands and you can fly there on a broom or use fast travel (if you've been there). Stand in the circle and wait for Natai to arrive. Confirm that you are ready.
Climb the battlements
Your primary task in this quest is to reach the walls and then the top of the castle tower. This will be a longer climb. We have described it below.

The main gate of the castle is closed - you have to open it from the other side and unlock the passage for Natty.
Explore the area on the right. In the place shown in the picture, you can climb to the upper ledge (without using magic).

Go left and use the Depulso spell on the rotating mechanism. This will open the door.

There is a chest in the small room. You need to use the Wingardium Leviosa spell to get the chest and move with it.
If the chest gets stuck in a narrow passage, deactivate the spell and try again, or use the Accio spell.

You have to take the chest to the ledge located higher. After placing it below the climbing spot, use the Levioso spell. Climb onto the levitating chest and then to the upper ledge.
Enter the Gatehouse

On the way, you will notice a small wooden barricade. Destroy it with Depulso, but don't use the new passage yet.

Run around the tower, face the chest and pull it towards you with the Accio spell.
Only now go to the hole created after destroying the barricade.
Open the main gate

You'll reach a room with a gate lifting mechanism.
Use the Depulso spell a few times on the rotating mechanism shown in the picture. You'll raise the gate, but it won't stay that way for long.

You need to quickly use the Accio spell on the hook shown in the picture. This will lock the gate. Natai will walk through the open gate, use the ladder and join your character.
Follow Natty

Natai will open the gate to the right of the gate mechanism (it is not available to the main character, despite having the Alohomora spell). After the cut-scene, you will split up.
Get to the roof

Climb the ledges on the right. On the walls, run straight ahead and use Depulso on the chest from the picture. You have to cast the spell several times to make the chest fall down.

Reach down and cast Wingardium Leviosa to start carrying the dropped chest. Take it to the new ledge and cast Levioso. You can now climb on the levitating chest (picture) and then the upper ledge.

You will start encountering opponents - poachers. Fighting them is not mandatory. You can use the Disillusionment spell to surprise them, or you can keep away from them and just follow the compass.

Along the way, you'll need to use Alohomora to open the locked gate - it has a level 1 lock and the padlock disarming mini-game is the same.
Continue climbing and eliminate more poachers (direct fights or stealth attacks). Then, you'll have to open the second locked gate. The stairs will lead you to the roof.
Follow Natty on Highwing

In the final part of the quest, you will automatically get on the back of a flying mount. There won't be any fights. Just follow the beast ridden by Natai.