The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Side quests, Inn by the Crossroads - list, walkthrough The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Monday, September 27, 2021
This page of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide contains a walkthrough of all side quests related to the Crossroads Inn. In the walkthrough, we suggest, among others, how to set funeral pyres on fire, how to get a safe conduct to cross the border, how to save an elf from a burning hut, and how to protect humans from ghouls on the battlefield.
Funeral Pyres

In order to start this quest you must find the Priest of the Eternal Fire east from Mulbrydale village (M2,5). During the conversation Geralt will be asked to burn the bodies in three different places. You must accept this task. You can reach the bodies in any order you want. There is a group of ghouls and exploding rotfiends near each of them. After securing a location, you must walk towards the body pyre, spill the oil and use Igni sign in order to set it on fire (9 experience points). At one of the piles Geralt will meet a survivor. Talk to him and you will learn about the true intentions of the Priest of the Eternal Fire (22 experience points).
After burning all the bodies, go North. The Priest of the Eternal Fire has moved there. In your last meeting you can act in two ways. If you accept the payment, you will receive 60 crowns and 45 experience points. If you decline on the bribe, a battle with the priest and few guards will start. It's not hard to win it. After the battle you will receive 45 experience points. Loot the corpse of the priest - you will find 200 crowns.
Fake Papers

This task can be started by meeting with the shady merchant in the North part of the map (M2,6). The talker will tell you about a transit pass that can be bought. This item is helpful in passing through the border (side quest Thou Shalt Not Pass). You can obtain it in three different ways. First option is buying the pass for 100 crowns. Second is using the developed Axii sign. It will allow you to take control of mechant's mind for a moment and convince him to sell you the pass for 50 crowns (40 experience points). Third option is helping merchant's brother in law in Bitter Harvest quest. If you complete this quest, the merchant will lower the price of the pass by 50 crowns.
Alternative solutions:
- Starting the Bitter Harvest quest (option 3) is very risky. If, during the battle with ghouls, the brother in law of quest giver will die, the merchant will get angry and won't sell you the pass even for the full price.
- If you completed the Bitter Harvest quest before, Geralt will automatically tell the merchant about the fate of his brother in law.
Bitter Harvest

You will learn about this task from shady merchant in Fake Papers sidequest or simply by reaching the battlefield (M2,7).
Albin Hart will ask Geralt to protect him and his allies while they will steal from the dead men. After the battle starts, try to keep close to Albin and protect him from countless ghoul and rotfiends attacks. Death of Albin doesn't mean the quest automatically fails, but it might make completing the Fake papers quest much more complicated. When fighting ghouls, eliminate them one after another and don't give yourself too long breaks, because too many enemies might enter the battlefield. Once the battle is over, take the reward from Albin or other survivors - it will be 20 crowns and 50 experience points.
Important - You should start this quest after you obtain the pass in Fake Papers side quest. The death of Albin Hart will make it impossible for Geralt to buy the pass from the shady merchant.
Death by Fire

In the northern part of the map you will find a group of bandits trying to set fire to a hut in which an elf is hiding (M2,8). Once you get close to the cabin, a short cutscene will start. You can walk away or try to save the elf. In you choose the second option, you must murder all the bandits. They are on 9-10 experience level. Watch out especially for the enemy with a large axe. He is slightly more resistant and he deals more damage.
After the victorious battle, walk to the cabin and use Aard sign in order to unlock the entrance. Save the elf. You will receive 25 experience points for completing this quest. Check the snag behind the hut as well, you will find 20 crowns inside.
Important - Take the opportunity and examine bandits bodies. You will find some high quality gauntlets and a sword.
Thou Shalt Not Pass

This task activates after reaching one of few outposts at Velen's border (M2,9) where Redanian army has placed barricades and no one without a proper document is allowed to get through. You can bribe the person you talk to (10 crowns) or use the Axii sign (25 experience points) to learn how to obtain a pass. However, these actions aren't mandatory.
The document can be obtained in two ways. The first option is completing the Fake Papers (M2,6) sidequest in which you buy the pass from a shady merchant. Second option is reaching enough progress in Family Matters main quest. Baron Philip Strenger will give Geralt a Letter of Safe Conduct after he learns about the whereabouts of his family. After you obtain the pass or the letter, you must show the document to the guard and he will let you through (75 experience points).
If you don't have the pass and you don't want to wait until you obtain it, you can simply bypass each barricade by, for example, using the boat to swim to the other side.