GTA 5: The Big Score - mission walkthrough GTA 5 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Tuesday, May 19, 2020
This page of the guide to Grand Theft Auto V has a walkthrough for mission 74 - The Big Score. Our GTA 5 guide explains the possible approaches to this mission and related side missions.
For the final heist, check out the walkthroughs for mission 79 (subtle variant) or mission 83 (obvious variant).
Mission 74 - The Big Score general information
Way to unlock: You need to complete main mission 73 (Meltdown). You may now go to Trevor's strip club (letter H on the world map).
Playable characters: Michael, Trevor, Franklin
Additional information: This one is a very short mission which entirely revolves around planning another big heist. Traditionally, you will have to make a choice towards the end of this mission, concerning the variant of behavior and the make up of the team.
NOTE: Towards the end of this mission you will have to decide about the way of pulling off of the last major heist. This choice will influence both the heist itself, and the preparatory missions that you play before it. I strongly recommend that you save the game before you start this mission!

To start this mission, you need to go to the strip club seized by Trevor, i.e. to the Strawberry district, as any of the protagonists. After you listen to a short conversation, and to Lester's speech, you will be presented with a choice of one, from among two, possible variants of behavior. The Subtle variant assumes that you seize the armored vans and make it into the vault dressed as the armed guards, which will have you hire as many as five accomplices (two gunmen, two drivers and a hacker). The Obvious variant assumes that you drill a large tunnel to the vault, and steal the gold using choppers and a railway engine, which will have you hire four accomplices (two gunmen and two drivers). In each one of the cases, there will be different preparatory missions to play and the heist itself is going to be completely different. The decision is yours and, of course, both of the variants have been described further in this walkthrough.
Short review:
- The Subtle variant assumes that you use armored vans to take the gold out of the vault. You are going to play four preparatory missions: Stingers, Gauntlet - Pillbox Hill, Gauntlet - Rockford Hills and Gauntlet - Mission Row. The main upside to this variant is that you play through the heist in disguise, to a large extent, and only towards the end of the mission, you will have to put up a fight. The downside is that you will have to share the gold you steal with the five accomplices.
- The Obvious variant assumes that you use a drilling machine, two choppers and a railway engine to steal the gold from the vault. Also, you will have to play three preparatory missions: Getaway Vehicle #3, Driller and Sidetracked. The main upside of this variant is that you it requires to take four additional accomplices along, instead of five. The downside is that it requires you to take part in a series of demanding fights.
Rewards for the completion of the mission: none
Requirements for the completion of the mission in 100%: There are no additional requirements for this mission and it gets completed in 100% automatically.