Dredge: Tips and Tricks Dredge guide, tips
On the following page of the Dredge game guide you will find a number of tips that will make your first steps in the game much easier. We point out to be careful while traveling, explore thoroughly and warn against nighttime expeditions.
Last update: Thursday, April 13, 2023
Below you'll find a handful of tips and tricks to help you navigate the map in Dredge, as well as why it's worth upgrading your ship and doing research.
- Sail carefully
- Avoid long journeys at night
- Pay attention during minigames
- Explore every corner of the zone you're currently in
- Repair your ship regularly
- Upgrade your equipment and do research
- Sell fish as soon as you catch it
Sail carefully

While sailing around the map, you will often come across obstacles in the form of rocks, islands or ruins of buildings. Try not to crash your ship against them, as it may be damaged and require repairs.
Destroyed boat fragments block slots in the hold, making them inactive and unusable for storing cargo. It may also happen that by damaging an occupied slot, its contents (an item or a passenger) will be overboard and cannot be recovered.
Avoid long journeys at night

At night, the game activates the Panic mechanic. At a high level, you will begin to hallucinate and may fall victim to monster attacks and destructive phenomena. This is especially dangerous when you are traveling in the open ocean.
It is best to plan the trip so that it takes place during the day. If you must move at night, do that only around the docks, so that you can quickly go to a safe area and rest.
You can read more about Panic on How to reduce the level of Panic? page.
Pay attention during minigames

The time passes while sailing, installing ship upgrades, fishing, and performing Dredge actions. The last two activities are minigames. The more effectively you deal with them, the faster you will catch a fish or obtain a treasure.
However, if you make a few mistakes, the time needed to mine or fish can be significantly longer, and this can lead to a situation where you find yourself at night and away from the safe dock. In such a case, it's a good idea to stop the minigame and return to this place later.
Also remember that a mistake while fishing trophies will make you unable to catch a more valuable fish. We write more about this on the How to fish Trophies? page.
Explore every corner of the zone you're currently in

There are many treasures to be found in the world of Dredge. You can find some of them by interacting with some objects by pressing the F key (PC), X (PS) or A (Xbox). If you spot a shipwreck, a bridge, or any other distinctive feature on the shore, try to search it. There is a good chance that you will find valuable items there.
Also, don't forget to talk to the characters you meet on your way. Always select all available dialogue options. Thanks to this, you will take on new Pursuit missions, and from time to time your inquisitiveness will also be rewarded with items.
Repair your ship regularly

Whenever your boat is damaged, try to repair it as soon as possible. You can do this by using the Shipwright services in Greater Marrow and at the Shipyard in any Pontoon location.
Even a single damage limits the ship's functionality. Not only can slots in the cargo hold be blocked, but your installed equipment will not work properly (e.g. a rod that was too damaged will not let you fish). Detailed repair instructions can be found on the How to repair the boat? page.
Upgrade your equipment and do research
The further you wander in the game world, the better equipment you will need. Thanks to the new rods, you will catch more expensive species of fish, and better engines will significantly speed up your travels.

You can research new equipment at any harbor. You can open the research screen by clicking on the icon shown in the picture above. By using the Research Parts you've collected, you'll research better equipment, which will then be available for purchase from the merchants in Shipwright in Greater Marrow and in the Shipyard in any Pontoon-type location.

In Dry Dock and Floating Dock you will be able to modify the ship's hull to unlock slots for specific equipment and increase the capacity of the cargo hold. You will find the materials necessary for this while exploring and obtaining treasures. We write more about this mechanic on the How to obtain Dredge? page.
Sell fish as soon as you catch it

Try to sell the caught specimens as soon as possible. If the loot is left in the Cargo or Storage for too long, it will become Rotten and lose its value significantly. These fish can still be sold at the Fishmonger in Greater Marrow or at the Fish Market in any Pontoon location, but you'll only receive 30% of their full price.
If, however, the fish lies in the cargo hold for several days, it will become completely rotten and will not be suitable for trading. The only option will be to throw away the leftovers to free up space.