Metamorph Class in Divinity Original Sin 2 Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Monday, March 9, 2020
This page of the Divinity Original Sin 2 guide contains a detailed description of Metamorph. You'll get acquainted with the basic information on this class, recommended playstyle, as well as its biggest advantages and potential disadvantages.
Metamorph is a rather unique class that is great for fighting on a front line - it focuses on dealing damage by using two-handed weapons but its effectiveness is mainly based on Polymorph school. Abilities from that school allow to deal damage and influence both a Metamorph and enemies by inflicting various status elements on them.

Below, you can see starting parameters for this class.
- Attributes
- Abilities and Talents
- Starting abilities
- Metamorph and Races
- Which abilities are worth choosing?
In case of Metamorph three abilities were developed.
Attribute name | Value | Note |
Strength | +2 | Two additional Strength points allow this class to use their two-handed weapons more effectively (since they have predispositions because of a point in Two-Handed skill). However, this is mutually exclusive with Finesse bonus. |
Finesse | +2 | Finesse increases usefulness of daggers and ranged weapons (bows and crossbows) which makes it crucial to an assassin. However, it doesn't offer anything to a warrior that is based on Strength - it is better to change it to something else. |
Abilities and Talents
In case of Metamorph three abilities were developed.
Name | Value | Notes |
Two-Handed | 1 | A point in Two-Handed ability increases effectiveness of using two-handed weapons. This works great with a big bonus to Strength attribute and allows this class to shine in the first line of a front. |
Polymorph | 1 | A point in Polymorph gives this class access to powerful abilities from that school. They are especially useful during the first few hours of the game. A point in this ability is also the reason why this class has 4 additional points that can be spend on attributes. |
Persuasion | 1 | An ability useful in contacts with other characters because thanks to it, NPCs have better attitude towards a Metamorph. |
Opportunist - this talent allows you to perform surprise attacks when an enemy pass by that character or when they want to move away from a Metamorph It doesn't activate when an enemy performs an attack or action that doesn't require them to move.
Starting abilities
Icon | Name | Notes |
![]() | Tentacle Lash | One of the best abilities from Polymorph school and, at the same time, one of the more interesting in the game. Allows a character to deal physical damage to a target that stands a few meters away from it and when that target has no physical armor, it inflicts Atrophy effect. An enemy with that status can't use their weapons for one turn - a warrior can't use attacks and abilities that require them to use a sword and an archer can't perform ranged attacks. This ability scales great with Strength attribute of a hero which makes it great for warriors - it's great for a Metamorph that has this attribute increased right from the beginning of the game. |
![]() | Chicken Claw | A useful ability that allows you to turn your enemies into chickens when they don't have physical armor. This effect is similar to Frightened - an enemy loses control over a unit which aimlessly runs around a battlefield. This ability's weak point is that it doesn't deal any damage and, in order to work, it requires an enemy to have no physical armor - because of that its usefulness decreases quickly. |
![]() | Bull Horns | A great ability that doesn't require any AP in order to activate! When a character activates it, they a bonus to Retribution (deflects damage to an enemy) and unlocks Bull Rush ability. This one allows you to perform a charge that deals Pure Damage - they aren't blocked by magic nor physical armor - it also inflicts Bleeding status effect (if an enemy has no physical armor). |
Metamorph and Races
Race | Predispositions | Commentary |
Elf | None | An Elf is completely useless for this class - their special ability, Flesh Sacrifice, increases damage and gives additional APs but it lowers their Constitution which in turn decreases health points. This isn't good for a character that fights at a short distance. |
Human | High | A very good combination because Metamorph mainly deals physical damage and Humans have Ingenious talent which gives them a bonus to critical hit chance (and a bonus to very important Initiative). |
Dwarf | High | Similarly to Humans, Dwarves are great choice for this class - their unique talent, Sturdy, increases their Vitality and boosts Dodge which is crucial to a class that fights at a close distance. They can also use Petrifying Touch ability. |
Lizard | Average | A Lizard isn't the best choice for this class, however, they can do well enough - Sophisticated talent increases Fire and Poison Resistance and their special ability, Dragon's Blaze, is easy to use because Metamorphs fight at a short distance. |
Which abilities are worth choosing?
A Metamorph has access to one school, Polymorph, which means that they can choose from 4 starting abilities. Three default skills are the best ones so you shouldn't make any changes here - Chameleon Cloak won't be useful to a character that fights with a two-handed weapon. Because of that you should use Tentacle Lash, Chicken Claw and Bull Horns.