Cyberpunk 2077: Quickhacking - action list Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Wednesday, December 9, 2020
In Cyberpunk 2077 you can hack various objects. The Quickhacking actions list will make it easier. It allows you to quickly check how hacked object will react to a given action.
Hacking of objects

Name: Distract Enemies
Operation: it causes the device to malfunction, distracting people in the vicinity.
Name: Remote Deactivation
Operation: Allows the manipulation of the basic functions of the device, e.g. door closing/opening.
Name: Camera Control
Operation: allows full camera manipulation.
Name: Breach Protocol
Usage: it violates the system of the device making the objects around it more vulnerable to hacking.
Name: Initiate Overload
Application: destroys the hacked device.
Name: Friendly Mode
Usage: changes the friend/foe attitude of hostile devices so that you're not attacked.
Name: Assist Mode
Application: Forces manual aiming with turrets.
Name: Take Control
Application: assumes control of the device.