Hogwarts Legacy: Defence Against the Dark Arts Class Hogwarts Legacy guide
This guide page for Hogwarts Legacy discusses the main quest Defense Against the Dark Arts Class - a lesson at Hogwarts. Our guide tells you how to learn the Levioso spell and how to win a wand duel with Sebastian Sallow.
Last update: Tuesday, February 7, 2023
The protagonist of Hogwarts Legacy has to take a lesson on Dark Arts and the main mission Defence Against the Dark Arts Class is connected to it. Our guide informs you how to start the class, how to get the Levioso spell and how to defeat Sebastian Sallow (using levitation and defending against Sebastian's attacks).
- Rewards for completing the quest
- Attend Defence Against the Dark Arts Class
- Levioso spell training
- Duel against Sebastian
Rewards for completing the quest
- XP;
- Levioso spell unlocked - it's a levitation spell that can be used on objects and enemies (goes through the enemy's yellow magic shield);
- Crossed Wands: Round 1 side quest unlocked.
Attend Defence Against the Dark Arts Class

You have to reach the classroom where professor Hecat is teaching (the enchanted compass can lead you there) - open the door to start the class.
Levioso spell training

During the class, you will learn the Levioso spell - complete the mini-game by following the cursor along the path shown on the screen (press the X/A button when needed).
You can test the spell on a training dummy:
- use the basic spell (R2) - you will learn that a yellow barrier protects the enemy;
- select Levioso from the quick select menu - hold the spellset button (R2/right trigger) and press the Levioso button (Circle/B). The dummy will levitate and temporarily lose its yellow shield;
Duel against Sebastian

You can now test Levioso on a living enemy:
- use Levioso on Sebastian's yellow shield;
- after Sebastian is hit and lifted into the air, use the basic spell to attack.

Sebastian can also attack you with Levioso and you have to defend yourself - after the circle appears above the your head, activate the Protego spell (Triangle/Y).
The duel will end when one of the students loses their entire health bar or is knocked off the table. Unfortunately, there is no special reward for defeating Sebastian (except receiving congratulations from the professor).
Listen to the conversation with Hecat and talk to Sebastian. From Sebastian you can learn about secret student fights (side quests from the Crossed Wands group).